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It was duly discussed at the sewing society, and the reading club, and the general sentiment was practically unanimous that Jackson must be suffering from incipient cataract or senile dementia, and needed a guardian. Even Mary McGuire remarked to Mrs. Burke that she was afraid "that there front porch would sure set the house on fire, if it wasn't put out before."

It is this dementia that secures him a life-lease of the Senatorship from Nevada. For Nevada has only one interest, and that is silver. Silver is her wool, her cotton, her wheat, her coal, her iron, her lumber, her manufactures. It made her a State. It made her first representative to Congress and her last.

I know he's a fine fellow. I know, papa, he's thrown big orders in your way. But I can't help being what I am. Please, papa, let me off! Please!" An actual shrinkage of face seemed to have taken place in Mrs. Becker. "What'll we do? What'll we do, Ben?" she kept repeating, rocking herself back and forth in what seemed to border on dementia. "You see, papa, it's only to be a small wedding.

"That is a schizoid tendency; the flight from reality into a dream-world peopled by creatures of the imagination. You understand, there is usually a mixture of psychotic conditions, in cases like this. We will say that this case begins with simple senile dementia physical brain degeneration, a result of advanced age.

One human sense was left: the sense of flight: the impulse to leave the place where Death held dominion and Death's avengers came in unclean and rapacious hordes. Turning, he fled with a speed born of his dementia, hurling himself through the door with a crash of shattered glass and a trail of incoherent ravings.

A striking symptom was that, when a sensory examination was made during the first few days during one of the periods when she responded well, she showed glove and stocking anesthesia, also anesthesia of neck and left breast. But in addition to the above statements the patient also began to make others of a definite dementia præcox type.

"A belief that is not based on any foundation or proof that is my point. An extraordinary belief, personal to one person, rejected by mankind in the mass, and founded upon nothing, no fact, no inference even, in the history of mankind, is decidedly a strong indication of dementia." "But suppose it is a belief founded upon a fact?" "Of course that would entirely alter the matter."

The sort of dementia which took possession of the Roman emperors in the time of their world-wide rule, is a universal malady whose symptoms belong to all times. In every man there sleeps a tyrant, awaiting only a favorable occasion for waking.

I happened to be in the corridor one day when one of the guards, a tall, strapping fellow, was bringing downstairs a convict of stature much less than his own, a poor half demented youth, whose dementia was unfortunately wont to express itself in foul or abusive language, which came from him almost involuntarily, without any particular personal application.

The most probable explanation is that Miss Holladay is suffering from some form of dementia perhaps only acute primary dementia, which is usually merely temporary but which may easily grow serious, and even become permanent." The theory had occurred to me, and I saw from the expression of Mr. Royce's face that he, also, had thought of it. "Is there no way that we can make sure?" he asked.