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Nothing but her arm was out, and from the nervous grip of her little claw-like fingers the old man could only guess her terrible fear. "You sho'ly don't mean that, Jud Carpenter?" said the Bishop, with surprise in his heretofore calm tone. "Wal, that's jus' what I do mean, Doctor," remarked Carpenter dryly, and in an irritated voice.

"Now you sho'ly ain't goin' to be sech a fool as that? It's too late to go now; we'll only ketch a whuppin'. We are goin' to play hookey to-day." But Ozzie B. only shook his head. "That's wrong so wrong. The Lord He will not bless us maw says so. Oh, I can't, Archie B."

There is a saying that han'some is as han'some does, and your politeness is as fine as yo' are han'some, Brer Skunk. Ah'll just step one side and let yo' go first just to show that Ah sho'ly does appreciate your friendship," said Unc' Billy. Jimmy Skunk chuckled. "I guess you've forgotten that other old saying, 'Age before beauty, Unc' Billy," said he. "So you go first.

"Well, if you see him, would you please tell him that his sister, Miss Adams, is looking for him and very anxious to speak to him?" "Yes'm. Sho'ly, sho'ly!" As she went away he stared after her and seemed to swell with some bursting emotion. In fact, it was too much for him, and he suddenly retired within the room, releasing strangulated laughter. Walter remonstrated.

You need not fear that your honor will suffer by it, for if I am stopped I shall confess that I took it from her. Think no more of me, Clarence, but only of yourself. You are in danger." He crushed the letter in his hand. "Tell me," he said in a fierce whisper, seizing her arm, "and speak low. When did you leave her?" "Sho'ly just now!" gasped the frightened woman. He flung her aside.

"I DID come here to try out some stuff to change the colour of negro skins. That's all. And I find your idiotic followers are all stirred up and waiting for some kind of a miracle monger. What you have been preaching to them, you know best. Is that all you want to know?" The bishop hems and haws and fiddles with his stick, and then he says: "Suh, will dish yeah prepa'shun SHO'LY do de wohk?"

"Ah 'specks Ah'm in fo' it this time, sho' enough!" he said. Unc' Billy Possum crept along in the darkest shadows he could find as he drew near to the great hollow tree which is his home. "Ah 'specks Ah'm in fo' it. Ah 'specks Ah sho'ly am in fo' it this time," he kept muttering. So Unc' Billy crept along in the black shadows until he got where he could look up and see his own doorway.

"Golly, boss!" added the porter, "Ah jes' 'bleeged tun say sumpin', an Ah tells 'em de dinin' kyar'll sho'ly obertake us fo' six-thirty. Ya'as, indeedy. An' den, dar's dat lady up dar wid de sour-vinegary sort o' face. Ah jes' heard her say she'd be fo'ced tuh eat her back-comb if she didn't have her lunch pu'ty soon.

I think it is time you were giving your attention to your dinner," interposed Miss Julia, in a lofty tone. "Y'sm; I's gwine I sho'ly is'm," retorted Dinah, spiritedly, as she straightened herself and turned with a resentful flirt of her skirts to obey.

If the town could have overheard Clem scolding the lady with frank irritation in his voice, as I chanced to do once or twice, had it beheld his scowl as he raged, "Miss Cahline, yo' sho'ly gittin' old 'nuff to know betteh'n that. I suttinly do wish yo' Paw was alive an' yeh'bouts. Ah git him afteh yo' maghty quick.