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"No, you wouldn't, Flix," sneered Scott. "If you saw a cobry, you would run till you got back to Ireland." "Is'ht me! Wud I roon from a cobry? Not mooch! Ain't I a lineal dayscindant of St. Patrick? long life to him! And didn't he dhrive all the schnakes and toads out of the ould counthree! Jisht show me a cobry, and thin see me roon!"

It was agreed among the hunters that none of the latter should be shot, for they were harmless animals. "Captain, dear, are there any schnakes forninst the joongle?" asked the Milesian, who was much exhilarated at the prospect of the sport, and easily slipped into the vernacular of his mother. "Plinty av thim, Musther McGavonty," replied Captain O'Flaherty, with a broad grin on his honest face.

"But the elephant can take care of himself when the mahout allows him to do so," argued Scott. "Is the mahout his schnout?" asked Felix. "You know better than that, Flix. The mahout is the fellow that sits on the elephant's neck and conducts him. He is the driver," replied Morris. "Is he afeerd of schnakes?" "He needn't be, perched on the top of the pachyderm," answered Scott. "Who is he?

You are in the ring with the Grand Moguls." "Sir Modava told me that the Maharajah whom we shall visit at Baroda is a great sportsman, and always treats his guests to a hunt," answered Louis. "Is it after schnakes?" "No; but after tigers." "But I want to hunt some schnakes; I'd loike to bring down a good-soized cobry," said Felix, rising from his reclining posture.

"Not a cobra; and I didn't want to meet any," replied Scott, disappointed at his luck. "You's air afeered of the schnakes," rallied the Milesian. "So are you, Flix. If you saw one you wouldn't stop running till you got back to Baroda," returned the third officer of the ship. "But I have seen four of them in my little walk, and I'm not doing any running just now," said Felix triumphantly.