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"Hold your tongue, wife, and don't be keeping Lord Reginald and the other gentleman waiting," exclaimed the husband. "You see, my lord, how my good woman is afeered, and so I hope your lordship will pardon me, as I mustn't leave her alone, if I don't go up with you to the hall, for if any strangers were to come there would be no one to open the gate."

"I ain't afeered o' my boy blabbin'!" The brawny hand stroked the thin light hair of his only child. "An' I want he should learn to hate the stuff. It's the devil's best drivin' wheel liquor is. I'd ruther lay you with my own han's 'cross the rails this very night, an' drive Her right over you, than to know that you'd grow up a drunkard. Never do you forget them words, Junior!

Go on to bed, Susan, for if you don't I'm afeered that I'll have to say somethin' to hurt your feelin's, and then I'd worry about it all night." "Now Limuel, what is the use in snortin' round that way? Can't a body say a word?" "It do look like a body can," he rejoined; "and I'm afeered that a body will, and that's the reason I want you to go to bed." Old Lim sat down and the subject was dropped.

'With respect to the charge, resumed The Lifter, 'Roland gave me a coin and with it a slip of paper on which were written the names of certain books that he wanted me to buy for him in Muddy York. As I passed him he whispered me not to let anybody know; because I suppose he was afeered that you might object. I put my fingers upon my lips; because I thought 'twas no harm to bring the books.

What I was made for, I don't see," he added, as he threw himself into a chair. "Well, well, well!" said Mr. Growther dejectedly, "I was in hopes she'd git here in time; but I'm afeered you've just clean backslid." "No kind of doubt on that score," replied the young man, with a bitter laugh; "though I now think I never had very far to slide. And yet it all seems wrong and unjust.

For a full minute the needles clicked industriously. Then they stopped; the long, slender fingers clenched themselves about the ball of yarn; she faced Fortner, her eyes shining with a less brilliant but intenser light. "Jim Fortner," she said with low, measured distinctness, "why don't ye go on? Is thar somethin' that ye'r afeered ter tell me? What hez hapened ter our folks?

Blackett," said Hutton, with a hideous grin distorting his monkeyish visage; "I'm only a-tellin' you of these here things for your own good,... an' I ain't afeered of no man-o'-war a-collarin' me. This here island is a place where you've got to sleep with one eye open, an' the moment you sees a nigger lookin' crooked at you put a lead pill in him that is, if he's a stranger from somewheres.

Well, she was an enterprisin' little toad, was Miss Lot too, afeered of nothin' a'most; so nothin' would sarve her but she must out and have a scramb up to the tip-topest part of the peak afore breakfast.

"There are no such things as ghosts; and, besides, I don't see anything at all but the fog and the water!" "Oh, lawks, Master Bob!" screamed the frightened Dick in answer to this. "Look t'other side and then you'll p'r'aps believe me. Look t'other side! Look t'other side! I bees afeered! I bees afeered!"

"'I'm afeered not; for it was the boys roasted her, and she wouldn't be a decent corpse for to show a stranger, said Peter, in a whisper. "Mr. Prettyman shuddered at these peaceful indications of the neighborhood, and said nothing. "'Well, then, Peter, tell Jimmy Divine to take the old musket in my bedroom, and go over to the Clunagh bog, he can't go wrong.