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The capital is Leucosia, as I find it on my chart, though I find it elsewhere put down as Nicosia; and even the cape we have in sight is Pifanio in a standard atlas. The population is 186,000, of whom not quite 50,000 are Mohammedans, and the rest are orthodox Greeks. The great majority of the people speak the Greek language, but it is so much corrupted that Flix would not understand it."

"Because I think the captain has changed the course of the Maud, and is headed more to the northward," answered Morris. "What makes you think so? He gave out a north-east course to Flix. You have seen no compass since that time, and the sun is clouded in.

"What has broken now, Flix?" demanded the captain. "Nothing; but the question is settled," replied the lookoutman, stopping at the front window of the pilot-house, as though he had something important to say. "The ship looks like a punctuation mark on the sea, and" "Is it a full stop?" asked Captain Scott. "I don't know; but I think not.

"I have heard Flix tell all about the affair; and in his estimation Hercules and General Grant were nothing at all compared with Captain Ringgold, when he tells the story. I think he believes the commander is the greatest man that is or ever was in this world, with the possible exception of yourself."

"Therefore you must run dead ahead." "Precisely so, or right into the guns of the enemy." "Couldn't you retreat up the channel again?" asked Louis; and it began to look to him as though "the end of all things had come;" and it even appeared possible that he might be captured, after all. "Heave the lead, Flix!" called the captain, without answering the question.

"No, you wouldn't, Flix," sneered Scott. "If you saw a cobry, you would run till you got back to Ireland." "Is'ht me! Wud I roon from a cobry? Not mooch! Ain't I a lineal dayscindant of St. Patrick? long life to him! And didn't he dhrive all the schnakes and toads out of the ould counthree! Jisht show me a cobry, and thin see me roon!"

"Flix called my attention to the fall some time ago; and after a look at the chart I decided to alter the course," said the captain, as he pointed out the island of Cyprus on the chart spread out on the falling table over the divan. "I have no doubt you have done the right thing at the right time, as you always do in the matter of navigation."

"She can't use but one of them at once, and she will have to come entirely about before she can do anything with the other. Her top-gallant forecastle isn't big enough for them, as the Guardian-Mother's is for hers. I am not much scared yet, my darling." "Neither am I, Flix; but I think this is about the tightest place we have been in since we came across the Atlantic."

Colonel Vandegobbleschroy. "Mrs. Major Macan and the four Misses Macan. "The Honourable Mrs. Burgoo, Mrs. Flix, Hicks, Wicks, and many more too numerous to mention. The flower of our camp was, however, collected there, and the last words of Lord Lake to me, as I left him, were, 'Gahagan, I commit those women to your charge.

"But the elephant can take care of himself when the mahout allows him to do so," argued Scott. "Is the mahout his schnout?" asked Felix. "You know better than that, Flix. The mahout is the fellow that sits on the elephant's neck and conducts him. He is the driver," replied Morris. "Is he afeerd of schnakes?" "He needn't be, perched on the top of the pachyderm," answered Scott. "Who is he?