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It is certain that an audience which found no offence in Rochester's Valentinian could ill have taken umbrage at the freedoms of The Lucky Chance. p. 186 The Moor of Venice. Othello was one of the first plays to be revived at the Restoration, and was, perhaps, the most frequently seen of all Shakespeare. On 11 October, 1660, Burt acted Othello at the Cockpit.

The San Fiorenzo commenced action with only 186 effective men; the Piedmontaise, a larger and heavier frigate, had more than 500, including 200 Lascars. Captain Hardinge was unfortunately killed on the third day.

And so Ralph went back to town without again seeing the breeches-maker. The first thing he found in his lodgings was a note from his namesake. I am up in town, and am very anxious to see you in respect of the arrangements which have been proposed respecting the property. Will you fix a meeting as soon as you are back? Yours always, Charing Cross Hotel, 2 Oct., 186 .

, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 24th Nov. 186 . MY DEAR SIR HARRY HOTSPUR, I have received your letter in reference to Captain Hotspur's debts, and have also received a letter from him, and a list of what he says he owes. Of course there can be no difficulty in paying all debts which he acknowledges, if you think proper to do so.

American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 187. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 188. Author's italics. Monroe to Madison, Aug. 4, 1807. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 186. That is, all vessels, including merchantmen. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. pp. 183-185. Author's italics.

Elkin's parallaxes for Arcturus is 0.018". That is to say, the displacement of Arcturus due to the change in the observer's point of view when he looks at the star first from one side and then from the other side of the earth's orbit, 186,000,000 miles across, amounts to only eighteen one-thousandths of a second of arc.

'No one hath seen God at any time'; that is, he is by essence invisible. This most difficult text I have not seen explained satisfactorily. Ib. p. 186. When St. Paul calls the Father the One God, he expressly opposes it to the many gods of the heathens.

Soundings at this time gave depths of from 186 to 190 fathoms, with a glacial mud bottom. No land was in sight. The light was improving. A great deal of ice- pressure was heard and observed in all directions during the 25th, much of it close to the port quarter of the ship.

See Bancroft, Hunter, Catlin, Flint, Jefferson, &c. passim all supporters of Indian eloquence, but all informing us, that "combinations of material objects were his only means of expressing abstract ideas." Vide Bancroft's United States, vol. iii., pp. 257, 266, etc. E. G. "They style themselves the 'beloved of the Great Spirit." Warburton, vol. i., p. 186.

The territory of the Araucanians, contains the finest plains in Chili, and is situated between the rivers Biobio and Callacallas, stretching along the sea-coast for about 186 miles, and is generally allowed to be the most pleasant and fertile district in the kingdom of Chili.