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A large python was Scott's first prize; and, after a long walk, they came to a nest of tigers, as it seemed, for there were not less than five of them drinking at a brook. It appeared to be the only place in the vicinity where fresh water could be obtained. The first of the tigers was killed by Louis with a single shot, for he put the ball through the eye of the beast.

By taking to the trees we might have saved our lives, but we should certainly have lost our mules. Both pumas and tigers kill the little beasts when they come across stragglers. And it is well that they do, for otherwise the woods would be full of them, though fortunately they do not multiply as fast as our pigs, having only two or three in a litter.

On this hill hazels grow luxuriantly; and there are many lions, tigers, and wolves, so that people should not travel incautiously. ~On the Way Returning to Patna~ Fâ-Hien returned from here towards Pâtaliputtra, keeping along the course of the Ganges and descending in the direction of the west.

At this critical juncture, when it seemed as if we must suffer complete annihilation when the Rebel star was in the ascendant Generals Rosencrans and Thomas coming dashing along the line, cheering and rallying their men, when they turned and fought like very tigers. And now the scene was truly thrilling.

Uttamauja and Yudhamanyu, O king, and the Prabhadrakas, and those tigers among men, the Pancalas, and the Cedis, have been destroyed. The heroic and mighty son of Karna, Vrishasena, hath been slain. All the men that had been assembled have been slain. All the elephants have been destroyed. All the car-warriors, O tiger among men, and all the steeds, have fallen in battle.

Through a front window, the boys could see her at the telephone in the lighted hallway. They redoubled the bombardment of the house in defiance. Across the street a door creaked. Mrs. Alford's voice carried to where the excited little group stood. "Per-e-e-e, it's nearly seven. Supper is ready. Come in and get washed right away!" The "Tigers" gasped and dispersed quickly.

It was even said she had a chance of succeeding Professor Farrago as president, but that, of course, must have been a joke. However, she haunted the gardens, annoying the keepers by persistently poking the animals with her umbrella. On one occasion she sent us word that she desired to enter the tigers' enclosure for the purpose of making experiments in hypnotism.

The larger part of Fukien, like many other provinces in China, has been denuded of forests, and the groves of pine which remain have all been planted. This deforestation consequently has driven out the game, and except for tigers, leopards, wolves, wild pigs, serows and gorals, none of the large species is left.

Joe Hooker had not yet put in an appearance, and several of the substitutes were enjoying themselves punting the ball, doubtless also wondering if they were going to be as luckless as before about breaking into the game, this time with Harmony's Tigers. "Jack," remarked Toby Hopkins just then, "I want to know what's happened to keep you chuckling to yourself right along.

It may be she has gone over the border; for the Germans are already in trenches near Antwerp, and our army is nearer still to Antwerp and in trenches, too. There they stay, Father De Smet says, for all the world, like two tigers, lying ready to spring at each other's throats.