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Then the movin'-picture express, which was a retired switch-engine hooked onto a Swede observation car, backs down on Adolphus, and we was to rush up like pretty fast, and save his life. "She was a sassy little chicken with blond feathers and a three-quarter rig skirt.

"But, s-s-say, wasn't it a c-c-cunning little b-b-beast," observed Toby, "and d-d-didn't he look real sassy when he m-m-marched off with his t-t-tail up over his s-s-shoulder?" Steve looked at him severely. "You'd better be mighty careful how you admire one of them striped critters at close quarters, Toby, if ever you meet one in the woods," he remarked.

It was pretty sassy talk for a private soldier to indulge in towards a chaplain, but I was so disgusted to hear a man who should discountenance anything unsoldierly, talk so flippantly about taking from the women and children of the country what little they had to live on, because we had the power, their men folks being away in the army, that I got on my ear, as it were.

But Galusha Bangs, not being a man of the world, was not up in slang; he did not understand. "What?" he asked. "I say she's canned me. Miss Martha has, I mean. Oh, ain't it awful!" "Canned you? Really, I " "Yes, yes, yes! Canned me, fired me. Oh, DON'T stand there owlin' at me like that! Can't you see, I Oh, please, Mr. Bangs, excuse me for talkin' so. I I didn't mean to be sassy.

"Bring a rope along, too!" called another man hoarsely. "Get two rails and one rope!" proposed a third bad character. "The other kid doesn't seem to be sassy enough to need a rope." "Gentlemen," broke in Harry Hazelton gravely, "if anyone of you imagines that I'm holding my tongue because I disapprove of my partner's course, let me assure you that I back every word he says."

"Oh, nuttin' 't all," said Whistling Dick, lounging carelessly, and kicking meditatively at a little stone on the ground. "Just as easy," continued the warbling vagrant softly to himself, "an' sociable an' swell an' sassy, wit' her 'Mer-ry Chris-mus, Wot d'yer t'ink, now!" Dinner, two hours late, was being served in the Bellemeade plantation dining-room.

"Naow, Mother, we kin buy back our old chair, the rocker with the red roses onto it. Seems ter me them roses must 'a' knowed all the time that this was a-goin' ter happen. They was jest as pert an' sassy that last day " Angy laughed. She laughed softly and with unutterable pride in her husband.

As he passed out, the sheriff said to those about him, in a low tone, "There'll be trouble with that nigger yet. He's too sassy. You'll see." "How so?" asked the chairman. "I thought you said he was industrious, thrifty, and honest."

But I ain't puttin' up there and I ain't puttin' up the money neither." "All right; keep it then keep it and sleep on it, if you want to. I can get along without it, I guess; or, if I can't, I can borrow it of somebody else." "Humph! You're pretty sassy, seems to me, for anybody that's askin' favors." "I'm not askin' favors. I told you that when I first come to you.

"Some fellows never know when they have enough." "You needn't talk," laughed Bart. "I'll bet you've been popping away at them every day since we saw you last." "Oh, they've kept me pretty busy," said Dick carelessly. "The Hun flyers are getting pretty sassy just now, and we have to keep working hard to drive them back."