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This was the general opinion of the class of 19 , that old "Loosh had pigeons in his loft." However, it was agreed that they were harmless fowl and that Galusha himself was a good old scout, in spite of his aviary. He graduated with high honors in the mathematical branches and in languages.

Martha Phipps had been standing by the window of the sitting room in her home looking out. She had been standing there for some minutes. Galusha Bangs, in the rocking-chair by the center table, was looking at her. Suddenly Martha spoke. "I declare!" she exclaimed. "I do believe that's the loveliest moon I ever saw.

Zach hastened to get them, but before he reached the dining room they heard the outer door open and Jeth's voice demanding to know why Lulie had kept him waiting so long. Nelson, with a somewhat rueful smile and a wave of the hand to Martha and Galusha, dodged into the blackness of the front hall. Miss Phipps closed the door after him. The conspirators looked at each other.

Galusha found it distracting and, at times, annoying, for Mr. Bloomer's mustache was bristly. "Little Cherry Blossom talks's if she had a cold," whispered Zach. "Better take a little cherry rum, hadn't she, eh?" The control was loudly paging a person named Noah. "Sperit heree wantee talkee with Noah," she cried. "Wheree isee Noah?" "'Board the Ark, most likely," whispered Mr. Bloomer.

But he's studyin' at his wireless all the time and some day but I'm afraid that day will be a long way off. Cap'n Jeth is as set as the side of a stone wharf and you'd have to take him to pieces to move him. That was another of father's sayin's," she added, "that about the stone wharf." "Why, why is the ah why is Captain Hallet so opposed to young Howard?" asked Galusha. "Spiritualism.

Galusha smiled in a fatherly fashion upon them both. "I had quite a series of adventures after leaving you," he went on. "Quite a series yes." He told briefly of his losing his way, of his meeting with Raish Pulcifer, of his tramp in the rain, and of his collapse in the Phipps' sitting room. "So that is ah my Odyssey," he concluded.

My name is Bangs." "Bangs, eh? That's a good Cape name, or used to be. You any relation to Sylvanus Bangs, over to Harniss?" "No no, not that I am aware. Ours is a Boston branch of the family." "Boston, eh? Um-hm. I see. Yes, yes. What's your first name?" "Mine? Oh, my name is Galusha." "Eh? Ga WHAT did you say 'twas?" "Galusha. It IS an odd name." "Yes, I'd say 'twas.

And that's what we are now neighbors, eh? Sure, Mike! You and me are goin' to see a lot of each other from now on. There! There's a good, stylish cap, if I do say it. Try it on? What's your size, Perfessor?" Five minutes later Galusha descended the steps of the Beebe store, wearing a cloth cap which was, to say the very least, out of the ordinary.

Rather, it served to bring home to him the hard realities of the whole wretched affair. Cousin Gussie's interest was what he had banked on, and that interest was absolutely unapproachable. To write Minor at the Boston office was a possibility, of course, but, in his present frame of mind Galusha felt no hope that such a proceeding would help.

He said but maybe I better not tell you." "Oh, yes no doubt," observed Galusha, who was, as usual, paying little attention. Tamson, plainly disappointed at his lack of curiosity, elevated her thin nose. "Well," she observed, "what he SAID was that, fur's things bein' here was concerned, Christmas would be here, give it time enough.