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'I wisht, he says, 'ye'd send up wan o' yer little girls to read it to us, says he, 'for neither herself nor me is much hand at makin' out writin'. An' here I'm afther sarchin' high an' low for Maggie, an' where was she? Up in a tree, if ye plaze. Me heart's scalded with that child. She'll break her neck on me before she's done."

I hante see'd no man to England I affection so much as Mr. Tact, I swear! I begin to think, arter all, it was the right of sarchin' vessels he wanted to talk to me about, instead of sarchin' me, as I suspicioned. It don't do always to look for motives, men often act without any.

He's dropped his grit and is sarchin' for it." Goading laughter from the Harrisons. Each man waited for that single shot which would precipitate the fight. Even in their lawlessness the rude instinct of the duello swayed them.

"Well, whether he hears or not, I've a piece o' news for 'Bias Hunken, here. . . . P'raps he'd like to step outside an' discuss it?" suggested Cai awkwardly, remembering how he and 'Bias had parted overnight. "I don't want to hear anything you can say," growled 'Bias. "Oh, yes, you do! . . . I reckoned as you'd be down here, first thing after breakfast, sarchin' for them papers we talked about."

I jes' happen ter that depot ter day jes' in time ter see thet telegraph when hit cum an' was put inter Captain Bull's han'. Sence dem riots in Wilmin'ton he's bin er getin' telegraphs an' sarchin' trains, an' insultin' women an' killin' col'd mens. An' I jes' slied erroun' tell I hear what that telegraph say. Hit say, look out fer Silkirk.

After a time the reconnoitring party came back. "Nothin' stirrin'," said the leader tersely. "I misdoubts," muttered another, casting a look of deep suspicion on Rick. "Thar air men out thar, I'm a-thinkin', hid somewhar." "They air furder 'n a mile off, ennyhow," returned the first speaker. "We never lef' so much ez a bush 'thout sarchin' of it."

"Tolly will be sure to search all over the place for us, and there's one place, a sort of half cave in the cliff, where he and I used to read together. He'll be quite certain to look there." "Right, lass, an' we may risk that, for the reptiles won't think o' sarchin' the cliff. Go, Betty; write, `We're off to Simpson's Gully, by the plains.

"Well, the sound increased and increased so, like young thunder she was e'en a'most skeared to death, and in a twitteration all over; and her knees began to shake so, she expected to go for it every minute; when a sudden turn of the path show'd her her husband and the poor squatter a sarchin' for her.

"Now, Rufe, bubby," a most insinuating tone, Crann had summoned, "all them fool fellers air diggin' up the face of the yearth, wharever they kin find a Chilhowee lily like sarchin' fur a needle in a haystack. But we uns will do a better thing than that. I drawed the idee ez soon ez I seen you an' Pete hyar this evenin' so onexpected. 'Them's my pardners, I sez ter myself.

There now was the proof of it; but wait till you hear what's comin'. The men all ran up here and opened the door, for there was only a latch upon it, and if the hare was in existence, surely they'd find her now. Well, they closed the door at wanst for fraid she'd escape them; but afther sarchin' to no purpose, what do you think they found?