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Who can state the mission and effect of Emerson more tersely and aptly than those words do it? But, once more, he does not desire eulogiums, and it seems half ungenerous to force them upon him now that he can no longer defend himself.

Fairchild turned, wondering, then reached for Anita. "You listen," he ordered, as he lifted her to where she could hear. "Do you get anything?" The girl's eyes shone. "I know what that is," she said quickly. "I 've heard that same sort of thing before when you 're on another level and somebody 's working above. Is n't that it, Mr. Harkins?" Harry nodded. "That's it," came tersely.

"Say, it's too bad to turn around and swim away from that vessel!" he lamented wearily, "and this sun is fierce!" "I say let's try going through!" encouraged Greer. "It'll be difficult," warned Caradoc. "Won't swimming clear around the earth be difficult?" demanded Greer hotly. "Proceed," agreed Caradoc tersely. "It's all one to me."

All the associations of their lives, all the traditions and memories of the past bound them by ties of kindred and affection to the mother country. They were venturing on an unknown sea; there were no charts to guide them, no precedents to follow. The truth was, as Jefferson so tersely said, "The people wait for us to lead the way.

Until then the record of technical schools had too often resembled the description which Mr. Butler, the new Minister of Education, tersely gave of that of the Lucknow Industrial School "a record of inconstant purpose with breaks of unconcern."

In the nature of mortal things, his death was to be expected: no less real was the crisis to be faced At the vestry meeting that followed, the problem was tersely set forth by Eldon Parr, his frock coat tightly buttoned about his chest, his glasses in his hand. "Gentlemen," he said, "we have to fulfil a grave responsibility to the parish, to the city, and to God.

"I know it's wrong in me, ma'am, but somehow I can't help making a baby of myself when I'm very happy don't be angry with me for it." "I don't like crying people, never did," answered aunt Hannah, tersely; "tears never do anything but mischief, and never will wipe your eyes now, and come down stairs." Mary drew a little hand obediently across her eyes.

"You're Rennie, one of that Morgan company who joined at Harrisburg." "Yes, suh." "Morgan's men fought at Chickamauga ... good men, good fighters. Said so then, never had any reason to change that. Now what's this about an island downriver?" Drew explained tersely, for he had a good idea that General Forrest wanted no wasting of time.

It was all there, all of it and the signature this time was not forged! He placed the paper in the satchel, and closed the satchel. English Dick passed his hand across a forehead that beaded with perspiration. "What are you going to do?" he asked under his breath. "I'm going to see that this and you reaches the hands of the police," said Jimmie Dale tersely.

Jervis was himself married at this time; but his well-regulated affections had run steadily in harness until the mature age of forty-eight, and he saw no reason why other men should depart from so sound a precedent. "When an officer marries," he tersely said, "he is d d for the service."