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It's only 'at he's busy cleanin' oot yer puir horse' hivs 'at hedisna p'y his respec's to ye. But he'll be blythe eneuch!" "I thought you said he was a lord!" remarked the lady. "Na, I saidna that, mem. He's nae lord. But he's a laird, an' some lairds is better nor 'maist ony lords an' HE'S Warlock o' Glenwarlock at least he wull be an' may it be lang or come the day."

We hae been bairns thegither; we hae been to the schuil thegither; we hae had the same maister; we hae come throu dour times thegither I doobt we hae been hungry thegither, though ye saidna a word; we hae warstlet wi' poverty, an' maybe wi' unbelief; we loe the same fowk best; an' abune a' we set the wull o' God.

And every fifth day when he goes to pay a visit to the great Caliph, horsemen, Gentiles as well as Jews, escort him, and heralds proclaim in advance, "Make way before our Lord, the son of David, as is due unto him," the Arabic words being "Amilu tarik la Saidna ben Daud."

"Weel, cam I no by the tarn o' the tap o' Stieve Know?" "What on earth was ye duin' there efter dark, Grizzie?" "What was I duin'? I saidna I was there efter dark, but the cratur micht hae seen me pass weel eneueh. Wasna I ower the hill to my ain fowk i' the How o' Hap? An' didna I come hame by Luck's Lift?

'Noo, Kirsty, said Phemy at last, 'ye maun tell me what he said whan ye loot him ken 'at I cudna win til him 'cause ye wudna lat me! 'He saidna muckle to that. I dinna think he had been sair missin ye. 'I see ye're no gaein to tell me the trowth, Kirsty! I ken by mysel he maun hae been missin me dreidfu'! 'Ye can jeedge nae man by yersel, Phemy. Men's no like hiz lass-fowk!

The Jews call him "Our Lord, Head of the Captivity," and the Mohammedans call him "Saidna ben Daoud," and he has been invested with authority over all the congregations of Israel at the hands of the Emir al Muminin, the Lord of Islam .