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Thus, in politics, here is M. de Sombreterre, who is a Legitimist; M. Vallin, an Orleanist; M. Patissot and myself, Republicans; we all have very different principles, and yet we agree very well because we have them." But M. Rade exclaimed: "I also have principles, gentlemen, very distinct ones." M. Patissot raised his head and coldly asked: "It would please me greatly to know them, monsieur."

Sae aff I set, and Wasp wi' me, for ye wad really hae thought he kenn'd where I was gaun, puir beast; and here I am after a trot o' sixty mile or near by. But Wasp rade thirty o' them afore me on the saddle, and the puir doggie balanced itsell as ane of the weans wad hae dune, whether I trotted or cantered.

Sogers at the house " "Ah!" "Twelve of them. They rade in an hour syne. The lieutenant swears ye're there, Mr. Ian, and they search the house. Didna ye see the lights? Mrs. Alison tauld me to gae warn ye " The soldiers, having fruitlessly searched Black Hill, for the present set up quarters there, and searched the neighborhood. They gave a wide cast to that word.

French gallantry is a form of patriotism." Monsieur Rade retorted: "I have very little patriotism, monsieur, as little as I can get along with."

I hold His Majesty's commission, to make to cease a notorious rogue, whose name is Thomas Faggus. With that he offered his commission; but Squire Maunder told the truth, that he could not rade even words in print, much less written karakters.* Then the other magistrates rode up, and put their heads together, how to meet the London gentleman without loss of importance.

"I didna think ye kenned hoo he rade," answered the boy pawkily, as he shot to the stable. "Weel," he added, "ye maunna gley asklent at the mere whan she comes hame some saipy-like!" When he returned on the mare's back, the farmer was waiting for him with the whisky-bottle in his hand.

"And that's what vexes me maist of a'," said the cooper, anxious to get some one to sympathise with his not altogether causeless anger; "an the quean had gien it to ony suffering sant, or to ony body ava but that reaving, lying, oppressing Tory villain, that rade in the wicked troop of militia when it was commanded out against the sants at Bothwell Brig by the auld tyrant Allan Ravenswood, that is gane to his place, I wad the less hae minded it.

"But, safe us, man," quo' I, "how did ye learn a' this? it's an unco way between this and Portanferry." "Never ye mind that," quo' he, "them that brought us the news rade night and day, and ye maun be aff instantly if ye wad do ony gude; and sae I have naething mair to tell ye."

M. Patissot continued: "There are, however, monsieur, principles which all good people recognize." M. Rade asked: "Which ones?" Then very solemnly, M. Patissot pronounced: "Morality, monsieur." M. Rade was beaming; he exclaimed: "Just let me give you one example, gentlemen, one little example.

I was ower swack for 'im; an' awa we rade. 'I didna ken 'at ye cud ride, Shargar. 'Hoots! I cudna help it. I was aye takin' the horse to the watter at The Boar's Heid, or The Royal Oak, or Lucky Happit's, or The Aucht an' Furty. That's hoo I cam to ken Jock sae weel. We war guid eneuch frien's whan I didna care for leein' or sweirin', an' sic like. 'And what on earth did ye want wi' 'im noo?