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Though their poverty forced them to borrow occasional half-crowns of him, that only made him sympathise with them the more. Morgan himself would have been puzzled to tell what difference the new light in which Cleo was showing herself was making in his attitude towards her.

"If you knew the state of my affairs!" he said darkly. "A few days ago you told me they were very promising," she said with a little smile. "So they would be so they are if if only you would care for me, Cicely!" "You tell me they are promising when you want me to marry you, and desperate when you want me to sympathise with you," she said a little cruelly. "Which am I to believe?" "Hush!

Edward did not seem quite to sympathise with his amiability, so Goggins returned to the charge, while Tom and Dick were exchanging a few words with James Reddy.

Nothing, indeed, could be loftier: the very men live once more, and retrace the history of their city, that history which has been so falsified that the teaching of it has caused generations of school-boys to hold antiquity in horror. But on seeing the men, how well one understands, how fully one can sympathise!

And then, after all he had robbed me of my one companion " She stopped him. "I know I know," she murmured. "You need never try to explain anything to me. I know everything, I understand, I sympathise." A revulsion of feeling had suddenly chilled him. He held her to him none the less tightly but there was a ring of despair in his tone. "Elizabeth, think what it may mean!" he muttered.

"I I want to tell you how sorry the Marquess, all of us, are for you, how deeply we sympathise with your loss; it weighs upon us all." "It need not do," said Miriam, with a touch of bitterness. "I have always been a stranger and an alien here. Strangely enough, Celia, I have felt as if I I have been walking on quicksand that might swallow me up at any moment.

He then concluded by telling the jurors that they were bound by solemn oaths to allow nothing to interfere with the truth of their verdict that they must all deplore the untimely death of the young woman who was to have appeared before them, and sympathise with the brother for the loss of his sister but that his misfortune in this respect, could not lighten his guilt if he were guilty, or diminish the sacredness of the duty which each juror owed to his country.

Therefore he must have a tiger-vein in him, my dear Claude, as well as a beaver-vein and a spider-vein; and no more shame to him. You are a butterfly; that good fellow a beast of prey; both may have their own work to do in this age just as they had in the old ones; and if you do not like that explanation, all I can say is, I can sympathise with you and with him too.

Be not deceived: if anyone cannot rule her own household, she cannot rule the Church of God. If anyone cannot sympathise with the servants with whom she is in contact all day long, she will not really sympathise with the poor whom she sees once a week. I know the temptation not to believe this is very great.

He does not like the idea of crossing the Channel so often. I quite sympathise with him. And so Phineas is to be Secretary for Ireland! Not in the Cabinet?" "No; not in the Cabinet. It is not by any means usual that he should be." "That is promotion, and I am glad! Poor Phineas! I hope they won't murder him, or anything of that kind. They do murder people, you know, sometimes."