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Says insur insur-rectos all pretty drunk now ... pretty sleepy.... Fool Injun's goin' take three four 'leven canteens ... bring water back for you. Not f' me! I got somep'n better. 'Sides, he'll get killed ... nice'n dead ... fancy dead ... cut ears off ... cut tongue out firs'! Not f' me! I'm goin' sleep pret' soon. Firs' I'll shing you lil' more!"

When he reached the hotel, an Englishman said to him, "Milord, il est pret; my ladi, il n'est pas pret, friselire ses chevaux, prendre patience." The late King used to relate stories of this same Boisrobert in a very whimsical manner. The life which folks lead at Paris becomes daily more scandalous; I really tremble for the city every time it thunders.

Mon Papa, ma Tante, et le monsieur dent men frere avoit parle, furent tous assembles dans le Salon, et en peu de temps je m'y rendis aussi. C'est souvent l'ordre du Ciel que quand on a perdu un plaisir il y en a un autre pret a prendre sa place. Ainsi je venois de partir de tres-chers amis, mais tout a l'heure je revins a des parens aussi chers et bon dans le moment.

From the direction of the coulee came the sound of horses' hoofs pounding the trail! Bat Lajune grinned into the dark as the galloping cow-horse carried Endicott out upon the trail of Purdy and the girl. "A'm t'ink dat wan good job. Mebbe-so de pilgrim keel Purdy, bien! Mebbe-so Purdy keel de pilgrim, den de sheriff ketch Purdy an' she got for git hang dat pret' good, too.

Well, all I ask is, love, because it's only for your sake, and it would make no difference to me then how should it? but all I ask is, don't marry Miss Pret There! there! I've done: I won't say another word about it; but all I ask is, don't. After the way you've been thought of, and after the comforts you've been used to, Caudle, she wouldn't be the wife for you.

It is true enough in common language I worked hard, but working by system made it easy. Slovenly work is always hard work; you never get through it satisfactorily. It was by working easily that I got through so much. "Never fret" and "toujours pret" were my mottoes, as I told the chaplain; I hope he remembers them to this day. If they would not help him to a bishopric, nothing would.

He also mentioned his rescuing you from the hands of the volunteer officer, and sending you, by orders of the Pret Chevalier, I mean as a prisoner to Doune, from whence he understood you were carried prisoner to Edinburgh. These are particulars which cannot but tell in your favour.

"I'll make him send me out now," he asserted confidently. "How you mak' eet him?" "I'll talk turkey to him till he's so mad he can't see straight. Then maybe he'll send me out right away." "How you mak' eet him so mad? inquired Picard, with mild curiosity. "Never you mind I'll do it" "Ba oui," ruminated Picard, "He is get mad pret' queeck. I t'ink p'raps dat plan he go all right.

The book was then taken back to the wardrobe, and all that was wanted for the day was soon after brought in in large taffety wrappers. The wardrobe woman, who had the care of the linen, in her turn brought in a covered basket containing two or three chemises and handkerchiefs. The morning basket was called pret du jour.

He was merely subjected to a process called "presting." To "prest" a man meant to enlist him by means of what was technically known as "prest" money "prest" being the English equivalent of the obsolete French prest, now pret, meaning "ready."