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Major Pendennis was highly delighted: and as might be expected of such a philosopher, made precisely the same observation as that which had escaped from Warrington. "All women are the same," he said. "La petite se console. Dayme, when I used to read 'Telemaque' at school, Calypso ne pouvait se consoler you know the rest, Warrington I used to say it was absard. Absard, by Gad, and so it is.

But the point to be remembered is, that if Calypso ne pouvait se consoler, Calypso's maid ne pouvait se consoler non plus.

Il y a la un long balcon d'ou l'on voit le fort courant du Rhin qui passe sous l'ancien pont. Je me rappelle qu'a l'extremite de ce pont, du cote oppose, il y avait une brasserie ou, en buvant son verre de biere, on pouvait regarder l'eau qui coulait toujours, et si vite. "A Lucerne, j'ai vu egalement couler la Reuss sous l'ancien pont ou l'on voit la Danse de la Mort. Mr.

From old age I only ask the experience which it gives by degrees. ‘Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait!’ says the proverb. I wish to preserve for a hundred years the strength of a young man, and to acquire the knowledge of an old one.” “So be it,” said Death; “I shall return this day a hundred years.” “Bon voyage, cher Dumollet, A Saint-Malo débarquez sans naufrage.”

A curious one, and to us, with our strong associations of ideas, that tremendous hand which memory has upon our heart-strings, a poignant one. For they had lost their powers, but not their impulses. It was a case of si vieillesse pouvait.

"Lui et l'individu touchent leurs grenouilles par derriere, et la grenouille neuve se met h sautiller, mais Daniel se souleve lourdement, hausse les epaules ainsi, comma un Francais; a quoi bon? il ne pouvait bouger, il etait plante solide comma une enclume, il n'avancait pas plus que si on l'eut mis a l'ancre. Smiley fut surpris et degoute, mais il ne se doutait pas du tour, bien entendu.

And mark you, it would be no less foolish to begin at Gravesend with a chart of the Red Sea. SI JEUNESSE SAVAIT, SI VIEILLESSE POUVAIT, is a very pretty sentiment, but not necessarily right. In five cases out of ten, it is not so much that the young people do not know, as that they do not choose.

In criticism there is a difficulty analogous to that which is supposed to beset the performance of the part of Juliet; it is rather nicely put in the title of one of Béranger's poems and also of a rather dreary, once popular, novel, "Si Jeunesse Savait, si Vieillesse Pouvait."

"Elle était d'une figure aimable," says Grimm, "elle est bonne femme; elle est riche; elle pouvait fixer chez elle les gens d'esprit et de bonne compagnie, sans les mettre dans l'embarras de lui parler avec peu de sincérité de sa Colombiade ou de ses Amazones." The description begins:

Speaking of the Greek and Roman marriage, M. de Coulanges observes: "Une telle religion ne pouvait pas admettre la polygamie." As relating to the highly developed domestic cult of those communities considered by the author of La Cite Antique, his statement will scarcely be called in question.