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Madame had not undressed at eleven o'clock, when she desired to be left alone. "Do you mean to say there is no coat gone? No wrap of any kind, nor a hat?" "Monsieur peut regarder. C'est comme je dis." The three exchanged puzzled glances. "She may be in the house," hazarded Roger at last. "We had better find out." In a few minutes they had made a tour of the entire villa.

And even then he probably would not see the presiding genius, Madame Jequier, for as often as not she would be in her garden, busy with eternal bulbs, and so strangely garbed that if she showed herself at all, it would be with a shrill, plaintive explanation 'Mais il ne faut pas me regarder.

Je sais bien que tu m'aurais aimee, et le mystere de l'amour est plus grand que le mystere de la mort. Il ne faut regarder que l'amour. Salome.

Feb. 16, 1761. Streckeisen, i. 333. See also Streckeisen, i. 262. Streckeisen, ii. 111. Jan. 18, 1765. Bk. ii. ch. x. Boswell's Account of Corsica, p. 367. The correspondence between Rousseau and Buttafuoco has been published in the Oeuvres et Corr. Inédites de J.J.R., 1861. See pp. 35, 43, etc. Boswell's Life, 179, 193, etc. "Je suis tout homme de pouvoir vous regarder avec pitié!"

So back home and to the 'Change, in my way calling at Morris', my vintner's, where I love to see su moher, though no acquaintance accostais this day con her. Did several things at the 'Change, and so home to dinner. After dinner I by coach to my bookseller's in Duck Lane, and there did spend a little time and regarder su moher, and so to St.

So back home and to the 'Change, in my way calling at Morris', my vintner's, where I love to see su moher, though no acquaintance accostais this day con her. Did several things at the 'Change, and so home to dinner. After dinner I by coach to my bookseller's in Duck Lane, and there did spend a little time and regarder su moher, and so to St.

Hist. des Reines et Régentes de France, vol. ii. p. 28. Malherbe, the favourite poet of Marie de Medicis, profited by the tediousness of her voyage to make it the subject of an allegory, in which he represents that Neptune "Dix jours ne pouvant se distraire Au plaisir de la regarder, Il a, par un effort contraire, Essayé de la retarder."

The following instance of its effects is given by Brillat Savarin, to whom the circumstances were communicated, in confidence, by the lady who was the subject of them: "Je soupai," says she, "un jour chez moi en trio avec mon mari et un de ses amis dont le nom était V . C'était un beau garçon et ne manquant pas d'esprit et venait souvent chez moi, mais il ne m'avait jamais rien dit qui put le faire regarder comme mon amant, et s'il me fesait la cour, c'était d'une manière si enveloppée qu'il n'y avait qu'une sotte qui eut s'en fâcher. Il paraissait, ce jour l

How many times have I heard ancient men, and ancient women, at it, with themselves, when all alone in some private room, or in some solitary path; and in their chat, they have been sometimes reasoning, sometimes chiding, sometimes pleading, sometimes praying, and sometimes singing; but yet all has been done by themselves when all alone: But yet so done, as one that has not seen them, must needs have concluded, that they were talking, singing, and praying with company, when all that they said, they did it with themselves, and had neither auditor nor regarder.

The cynosure of all eyes, she bore her triumph with the ease of a woman accustomed to admiration. To appear unconscious she assumed with charming cleverness a pose of artistic contemplation. One would have said that she was really absorbed in the music, or that she was following the advice of the Tuscan poet: "Bel ange, descendu d'un monde aérien, Laisse-toi regarder et ne regarde rien."