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La bonne compagnie they found in the lounges of great hotels, on transatlantic liners, in wagons-lits, in music-halls, and in expensive motor-cars and restaurants. La bonne compagnie was dancing one-steps to ragtime music. This, they said, is the thing.

You might take Miss Stackpole as your dame de compagnie; she'd keep people off very well. I think, however, that it's a great deal better you should remain with me, in spite of there being no obligation. It's better for several reasons, quite apart from your liking it. I shouldn't think you'd like it, but I recommend you to make the sacrifice.

These are his own words." Miss Haldin was shocked, but admitted to me that she was not altogether surprised. "Is it possible that Peter Ivanovitch could treat any woman so rudely?" she cried. The dame de compagnie nodded several times with an air of discretion, then assured Miss Haldin that she did not mind in the least.

Monsieur Kniphausen has dined with me; he is one of the prettiest fellows I have seen; he has, with a great deal of life and fire, 'les manieres d'un honnete homme, et le ton de la Parfaitement bonne compagnie'. You like him yourself; try to be like him: it is in your power. I hear that Mr. Mitchel is to be recalled, notwithstanding the King of Prussia's instances to keep him.

"They beat him so cruelly in the course of investigation," went on the dame de compagnie, "that they injured him internally. When they had done with him he was doomed. He could do nothing for himself.

They broke into a cheer, and bearing down in a body upon Marise, threw her into a fever of haste to serve them. "To Margot!" they shouted, catching up the glasses and lifting them high. "Vive la Reine des Apaches! Vive la compagnie! To Margot! To Margot!" She swept them a merry bow, threw them a laughing salute, and drank the toast with them.

She maintained that good manners are based upon noble and delicate sentiments, that mutual consideration, deference, politeness, gentleness, and respect to age are essential to civilization. The disloyal, the ungrateful bad sons, bad brothers, bad husbands, and bad wives, whose offenses were serious enough to be made public, she banished from that circle which called itself la bonne compagnie.

We arranged our disordered dress, and went down hand-in-hand. The Marquis and the Abbess both embraced the poor little Countess, and I assured her that we would meet again, and be much together. 'Madame la Comtesse will do herself the honour of paying her respects to Madame la Vicomtesse, said the dame de compagnie with the elder M. d'Aubepine, and had regulated her household of late years.

The rule of her life should be to do nothing which her domestics or her dame de compagnie can do for her. 'My dearest Ida, remonstrated Lady Palliser, remembering this classic passage, 'what do you mean by carrying that bag? Are there no servants in the house? 'Half-a-dozen too many, mamma; but I like to do something with my own hands for those I love.

Marc Isambert Brunel of the Compagnie, who, afterward founded the great machine-shops of the Royal Navy Yard at Portsmouth and became engineer of the Thames tunnel, and Pierre Chassinis, Jr., and I waltzed with the ladies. Presently I sat down near the baroness, who was talking in French with Therese Le Ray, the count's daughter.