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I want to get away from this tame city, and forget all about offices and parks and people and everything like that." "N-n-n-now!" she clucked in a patronizing way. "We mustn't ask New York to give us wilderness, you know! I'm afraid that would be a little too much to ask of it! Don't you think so yourself!" Carl groaned to himself, "I won't be mothered!" He was silent.

He felt rather set up about this adventure. He reached what might have been called the lot's civic centre and cast a patronizing eye along the ends of the big stages and the long, low dressing room building across from them. Before the open door of the warehouse he paused to watch a truck being loaded with handsome furniture a drawing room was evidently to be set on one of the stages.

Conversation may be patronizing, or it may leave us a debtor; when the book-seller's bill is settled, we have no account with the author. If I am permitted to speak to all, pupils as well as teachers, I am inclined to say, "Do not consider your education finished when you leave home and the school." Your labors of a practical sort ought then to commence.

"We might try, and if I don't like it, we can go on," replied Lady Turnour, patronizing the remains of Roman greatness, since it appeared to be the "thing" for the nobility and gentry to do. The chauffeur obediently turned the big blue Aigle, and let her sail into the very centre of the vast arena where Cæsar saw gladiators fight and die.

I'd like to hear whom she don't know," said Markham, beaming with a patronizing vanity. "There's you, and there's that filibuster, and old Governor Pico, that she's just snatched bald-headed I mean, you know, that he recognizes her worth, don't you see? Not like this cattle you see here."

There was nothing the least patronizing or arrogant in his manner. But there was a male note in it perhaps a touch of self-confidence which ruffled her. "Oh, I am a bad letter-writer," she said, as she got up from the table. "Shall we go and look at the cows?" They all went out into the warm September night. Ellesborough followed Rachel, cigarette in hand, his strong mouth twisting a little.

Johnny himself was surprised, bewildered even. That he, who had lorded over Bland with such patronizing contempt, should actually be afraid of meeting the little runt! A stream of hurrying people, distinguished from others by their seeking glances and haste and luggage, warned him presently that he would be expected outside.

"I meant I should be glad to go if I can be of any service to you," said Renshaw, hastily. "You kin ketch the seven-o'clock boat this morning, and you'll reach San Rafael at ten" "But I thought Miss Rosey went to Petaluma," interrupted Renshaw quickly. Nott regarded him with an expression of patronizing superiority.

Only a strong man could have put up with the patronizing condescension of the Thoughts and betrayed no irritation. Not a word in Lincoln's reply gives the least hint that condescension had been displayed. He is wholly unruffled, distant, objective. There is also a quiet tone of finality, almost the tone one might use in gently but firmly correcting a child.

Do you dare to suppose, you ridiculous girl, that Mr and Mrs Boffin would enter these doors upon a patronizing errand; or, if they did, would remain within them, only for one single instant, while your mother had the strength yet remaining in her vital frame to request them to depart? You little know your mother if you presume to think so.