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Updated: August 18, 2024

Only at the last, as he held her hand, he asked her: "I may write to you from Nigeria?" Rather shyly, she assented; adding, with a smile: "But I am a bad letter-writer!" "You are an angel!" he said, hoarsely, lifted her hand, kissed it, and rushed away.

The dead man's papers had not been tampered with. They were carefully examined, and showed that he was a keen student of international politics, an indefatigable gossip, a remarkable linguist, and an untiring letter-writer. He had been on intimate terms with the leading politicians of several countries. But nothing sensational was discovered among the documents which filled his drawers.

Both her mind and gesture seemed to hesitate a second to say "Shall I come?" but she approached. "How long is it since you became a letter-writer, Polly? It only seems yesterday when you were at your pot-hooks, labouring away absolutely with both hands at the pen."

But thou didst write "bay mare" to me. 'Who cares to tell truth to a letter-writer? Kim answered, feeling Mahbub's palm on his heart. 'Hi! Mahbub, you old villain, pull up! cried a voice, and an Englishman raced alongside on a little polo-pony. 'I've been chasing you half over the country. That Kabuli of yours can go. For sale, I suppose?

So these two parted; Regnier received his "safe-conduct" and started from Ferrieres early on the morning of the 21st. But this indefatigable letter-writer could not depart without a farewell letter: I shall wrap myself in a shawl, which will hide a portion of my face.

It is most true, as it has been stated, that I did, by her own desire, carry away from a nunnery, at , this lady, who was neither a nun nor a Spanish lady, nor, as I am compelled by my regard to truth to add, young, nor yet handsome. My lord judge, far be it from me to impeach the veracity of the letter-writer.

However this might have been in Shakespeare’s time, the half-conscious, graphic power of the non-literary letter-writer of to-day is often so great that if all the letters written in English by non-literary people, especially letters written from abroad to friends at home in the year 1897, were collected, and the cream of them extracted and printed, the book would be the most precious literary production that the year has to show.

Yet another medieval letter-writer, Nachmanides, reaches the summit of sentiment in these lines, which I take from Dr. Schechter's translation: "I was exiled by force from home, I left my sons and daughters; and with the dear and sweet ones whom I brought up on my knees, I left my soul behind me. My heart and my eyes will dwell with them forever.

Let ambitious correspondents take example by Horace Walpole, and learn that simplicity is the first, best nay, the only object to be aimed at by the letter-writer.

I am positive I addressed her as "Dear Madam," and started off with some sentence from "The Complete Letter-Writer," so impressed was I that there was a best way to do this thing, and that the book pointed it out. Mary's reply was, "To my absent, but not forgotten friend," and was simple and natural as girls' letters usually are.

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