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Old Elsie had pulled off her wooden shoes, and stood there in her stockings, to do honor to the noble guests. The hens clucked, and the cocks crowed, and the ducks waddled to and fro, and said, "Quack, quack!"

"I'll take it," Caswell said. "Right now. I'll pay cash." "Fine! I'll just telephone Storage and " "This one'll do," Caswell said, pulling out his billfold. "I'm in a hurry to use it. I want to kill my friend Magnessen, you know." The clerk clucked sympathetically. "You wouldn't want to do that ... Plus five percent sales tax. Thank you, sir. Full instructions are inside."

When he turned east at the railroad, he drew his sleeve across his eyes and clucked to the horse. "It'd be a lot worse if you had to stay," he said. "There's everything before you where you're goin', if you want to work for it. Here there's nothing." The little girl lifted her head from his shoulder with fresh courage. "I know it," she said.

Before Davy realized what was going on, Landy had lifted him to the saddle, mounted Gravy, clucked to Frosty and the procession moved out the gate. "I'll see you all in Adot, Saturday," called Davy without turning his head. "Good luck and bon voyage," called Adine. On the way down to the Ranty, the colt behaved remarkably well.

Cows and horses stood gazing at them from warm paddocks, where the rich, black mud glistened, melted by the sun; chickens scratched and clucked in the barnyards or flew frantically across the road, sometimes within an ace of destruction. Janet flinched, but Ditmar would laugh, gleefully, boyishly. "We nearly got that one!" he would exclaim.

They clucked and chirped, so that the Weathercock heard it; and he heard it, but he never stirred. "It's all stupid stuff!" said a voice within the Weathercock. "The Yard Cock does not lay eggs, and I am too lazy to lay any. If I liked, I could lay a wind-egg; but the world is not worth a wind-egg. And now I don't like even to sit here any longer."

The sun was warm along the river front and my pipe was trailing a thin whiff of blue vapor out over the gently fluctuating water, which clucked and sagged along the slimy pilings. Behind us the crash and banging of heavy traffic died away into a dreamy undertone in the mild golden shimmer of the noon hour. The old man was apparently lost in revery, looking out over the river toward Camden.

In a moment Y.D. had taken up all the line, and sat in his saddle looking down contemptuously upon him. "Well," he said, "who's too handy with his branding-iron now?" "You are!" cried Wilson. "Give me a man's chance and I'll thrash you here and now to prove it." For answer Y.D. clucked to his horse and dragged his enemy a few yards farther. "How's the goin', Frank?" he said, in mock cordiality.

"No, Mamma Vi, they're not in my pockets," returned the boy, with a look of great bewilderment. "No, to be sure not," said Mr. Lilburn, and the hen clucked behind Violet's chair and the pup's cry was heard coming from underneath a heap of crocheting in Mrs. Dinsmore's lap, fairly startling her into uttering a little cry of surprise and dismay and springing to her feet.

Open Tolbert's fence an' put the cattle in the grove. Then come back here. Quiller's the lightest; he's goin' to try the current." Then he swung around and clucked to the mare. I spoke to El Mahdi and we rode down toward the river. On the bank Ump stopped and looked out across the water, deep, wide, muddy. Then he turned to me. "Hadn't you better ride the Bay Eagle?" he said.