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Wiley, who had deeply resented Long Dennett's telling of a story which he knew fully as well and could have told much better. "Now, nat'rally, I've seen things on the Kennebec " "Three cheers for the Saco! Hats off, boys!" shouted Jed Towle, and his directions were followed with a will.

"Because, if we makes a break, those Greasers jest nat'rally plugs us from behind th' minute we begins to climb." Alfred condescended to nod. Tom suspended his whittling for a reply. "Well," said Alfred, taking his pipe from his mouth Tom contentedly took up whittling again "there's only one way to do it, and that's to keep them so damn busy in front that they can't plug us."

Thet damn sneak Carver must a did it, an' then the two ov 'em just sorter nat'rally faded away through that door thar." McAfee swore through his black beard, the full truth swiftly dawning upon him. "Hell!" he exploded. "So that's the way of it.

Now, I'm nat'rally avarse to sarpents, and I hate even the word, which, the missionaries tell me, comes from human natur', on account of a sartain sarpent at the creation of the 'arth, that outwitted the first woman; yet, ever since Chingachgook has 'arned the title he bears, why the sound is as pleasant to my ears as the whistle of the whippoorwill of a calm evening it is.

"Well," said Alfred, "they ain't hostile." "These yere savages is plenty hostile," contradicted the stranger, "and don't you make no mistake thar. I jest nat'rally lifts that pinto offen them yisterday," and he jerked his thumb toward the black-and-white pony in the rear. "And you camps!" cried Alfred, in pure astonishment. "You must be plumb locoed!"

"So be it, young master, and if you'm minded to talk wi' a lonely man an' share his fire, sit ye down an' welcome. Though being of a nat'rally enquiring turn o' mind, I'd like to know what you've been a-doing or who, to be hiding in this wood at this witching hour when graves do yawn?" "I might as well ask you why you sit mending a kettle and singing?"

''Totherest Governor, replied Mr Riderhood, mollified and mysterious, 'I know wot it is to be loud, and I know wot it is to be soft. Nat'rally I do. It would be a wonder if I did not, being by the Chris'en name of Roger, which took it arter my own father, which took it from his own father, though which of our fam'ly fust took it nat'ral I will not in any ways mislead you by undertakin' to say.

But, as she hesitated, the old man catching sight of her and scenting custom, first spat and then called aloud. "Might 'e be wanting the Ferry, Miss?" Thus directly challenged, Damaris could not but answer in the affirmative. "Put 'e across to the Bar?" he took her up smartly. "Nat'rally I will bean't I here for the very purpose? Put 'e across I will and on the tick too."

"He must have longer legs than most men if he gets to the flat-rock fall before us, an' as that's the spot where he'll nat'rally cross the river, being the only straight line for the hills that escapes the bend o' the bay to the south o' Stoney Creek, we're pretty sartin to stop him there."

And so you met him, Miss Christie, as usual," continued Dick, endeavoring under the appearance of a large social experience to conceal an eager anxiety to know the details "so you met him; and, in course, you didn't let on yer knew him, so to speak, nat'rally, or p'raps you kinder like asked him to fix your saddle-girth, and give him a five-dollar piece eh?"