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Winsor. when we went down Maple street we saw 2 roosters fiting in Dany Wingates yard, and we stoped to see it. i knew more about fiting roosters than any of the fellers, because me and Ed Towle had fit roosters lots. Mr.

But no man who wears clothes like those could ever win my heart. At least, not permanently." Well, she did most of the talking. She had finished the bath towle, which was a large size, after all, and monogramed, and she made me promise never to let my husband use it.

Mister Lennard preeched about loving our ennymies, and told every one if he had any angry feelings toward ennyone to go to him and shake hands and see how much better you wood feel. i know how it is becaus when me and Beany are mad we dont have eny fun and when we make up the one who is to blam always wants to treet. why when Beany was mad with me becaus i went home from Gil Steels surprise party with Lizzie Towle, Ed Towles sister, he woodent speak to me for 2 days, and when we made up he treated me to ice cream with 2 spoons and he let me dip twice to his once. he took pretty big dips to make up.

The three ladies had stepped aboard, and Albert was following, when the ex-sailor who held the rudder touched his arm and said, "I don't think it's safe, Mr. Charlton, fer nobody else to git in. She's got 'leven now, and ef the wind freshens, twelve would be dangerous." "Oh! I'll stay out!" said Albert, retreating. "Come, Albert, take my place," said Towle. "You're welcome to it."

Or such rich, nutty doughnuts? doughnuts that had spurned the hot fat which is the ruin of so many, and risen from its waves like golden-brown Venuses. "By the great seleckmen!" ejaculated Jed Towle, as he swallowed his fourth, "I'd like to hev a wife, two daughters, and four sisters like them Wileys, and jest set still on the river-bank an' hev 'em cook victuals for me.

We then went out and took a walk, and I treated her to a Facial Masage, having one myself at the same time, having never been able to aford it before. "It's Heavenley, Bab," Jane observed to me, through a hot towle. "If I were you I should have one daily. Because after all, what are features if the skin is poor?" We also had manacures, and as the young person was very nice, I gave her a dollar.

It was accomplished chiefly through the courage and cleverness of two men John Carroll and Patrick Grant who volunteered for it, and were let down over the stern at the imminent risk of their lives; and an American gentleman, Mr Towle, a civil engineer, rendered great assistance in superintending and directing the work.

"Jupiter!" she gurgled. "I shall be suff " "Mr. Amos Towle!" roared the footman savagely. "The great medium from the Wick!" "Towle the seer!" "Amos Towle, the famous spiritualist!" "Mr. Towle who materialises!" "The celebrated Towle!" "The great and only Towle!" "Oh, is it the Towle?" "I must see Towle!" "Where is he? Oh, where is Towle?" "Towle who communicates with the other world!"

Jane Raleigh came to see me off at the train. Her Familey was coming the next day. And instead of Flowers, she put a small bundel into my hands. "Keep it hiden, Bab," she said, "and tear up the card." I looked when I got a chance, and she had crocheted me a wash cloth, with a pink edge. "For your linen Chest," the card said, "and I'm doing a bath towle to match."

"Of course it's straight," said Jimmy Towle, vigorously. A shrewd observer of human nature, he had little respect for Senator Billings. "Ned Johnson saw him pick himself up at the foot of Austen's stairway." The Honourable Brush's agate eyes caught the light, and he addressed Mr. Billings in a voice which, by dint of long training, only carried a few feet.