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I'd wager my mither's silver tea-urn none could have done so weel; she has borne and sheltered us to the last minute, and now she lays us gently and saftly on a nice sand bank, and we may step ashore with the ease and pleasure of grand folk. Oh, she's a darling." Oscar. "But she did not lay us so softly, I came down with such force that I am quite sore now." Capt.

It's an awfu' thing to say o' a mither's ain laddie; and to hae said it only to my ain man, and the father o' the laddie, maks my hert like to brak! it's as gien I had been fause to my ain flesh and blude but to think it o' 'im! Eh, Peter, what can it be?" "Ow jist maybe naething ava'! Maybe he's in love, and the lass winna hear til 'im!"

It was him and his randie mother began a' the mischief in this house." "Tut, tut," replied Cuddie, "ye should forget and forgie, mistress. Mither's in Glasgow wi' her tittie, and sall plague ye nae mair; and I'm the Captain's wallie now, and I keep him tighter in thack and rape than ever ye did; saw ye him ever sae weel put on as he is now?"

"But it'll be all right now," he cried, "she's with her good uncle, who will show her the most gracious kindness, both for her mother's sake and for her own; and I will see to it that she be not too heavy a charge upon him." "As for ye, Dickory," exclaimed Greenway, "ye're a brave boy an' will yet come to be an' honour to yer mither's declining years an' to the memory o' your father.

An' noo I've no one; I'm alone. An' he'd sob and sob in mither's arms, and she, weepin' hersel', would comfort him, while he, wee laddie, would no be comforted, cryin' broken-like, 'There's none to care for me noo; I'm alone. Mither's left me and eh! I'm prayin' to be wi' her!" The clear, girlish voice shook. M'Adam, sitting with face averted, waved to her, mutely ordering her to be gone.

Craven, I give you a mither's thanks and a mither's blessing for a' you have done for ma laddie. She was Lowland Scotch, you know. My voice went all to pieces. I tried to say it was nothing, but stuck. Thomas helped me out, and without a shake or quiver in his voice, he answered for me. "'Yes, indeed, mother, we'll not forget it. "'And perhaps you can help him a bit still.

When I put my father's forgiveness, my mither's love, and my Bessie's bonnie lad to the lave, I may weel say that 'they are weel guided that God guides. A week ago I went into the editor's room o' the Glasgow Herald, and the man no being in I lifted a paper and saw in it my father's message to me. It's sma' credit that I left a' and answered it." "What paper, Mr. Cargill, what paper?"

I doobt my mither's awa' upo' the tramp again, and what's to come o' me, the Lord kens. 'What's this o' 't? interposed a severe but not unmelodious voice, breaking into the conversation between the two boys; for the parlour door had opened without Robert's hearing it, and Mrs. Falconer, his grandmother, had drawn near to the speakers. 'What's this o' 't? she asked again.

"A short time after this, a relation o' my mither's, wha had been a merchant in London, dee'd, and it was said we were his nearest heirs; and that as he had left nae will, if we applied, we would get the property, which was worth about five thousand pounds. Weel, three or four years passed awa, and we heard something about the lawsuit, but naething about the money.

I maun hae been walkin' i' my sleep!" said Jean to herself aloud. "Or maybe that guid laddie Donal Grant's been wullin' to gie me a helpin' han' for's mither's sake, honest wuman! The laddie's guid eneuch for onything! ay, gien 'twar to mak' a minister o'!" Eagerly, greedily, Gibbie now watched her every motion, and, bent upon learning, nothing escaped him: he would do much better next morning!