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He was far liker a cat; cared little or nothing for men, with whom he merely coexisted as we do with cattle, and was entirely devoted to the art of poaching. A house would not hold him, and to live in a town was what he refused. He led, I believe, a life of troubled but genuine pleasure, and perished beyond all question in a trap.

Looking over the blue line of the Ottawa, as over the river of Death, into a land visible and clear to the eye of faith, he saw sights, and heard sounds, and enjoyed communion, which, as yet, lay far in the future, as to the experience of the lad by his side; and coming back to actual life, gave no sign of the Divine Companionship, save that which afterward, was to be seen in a life, growing liker every day to the Divine Exemplar.

There were the provisions a couple of small loaves, a dozen tins, and a bottle of whisky. I made the best pack I could of them in my waterproof, swung it on my stick, and started back, thinking that I must be very like the picture of Christian on the title-page of Pilgrim's Progress. I was liker Christian before I reached my destination Christian after he had got up the Hill Difficulty.

Their judgment would have been liker God's if they had looked at those poor hungry men with merciful eyes and with merciful hearts, rather than with eager scrutiny that delighted to find them tripping in a triviality of outward observance.

"Hoots! I hae seen the rose mony a time. Nae doobt it's bonnier to luik at " and here her fingers went moving about as if they were feeling the full-blown sphere of a rose "but I think, for my pairt, that the minnonette's likest Him." "May be," was all Annie's reply, and Tibbie went on. "There maun be faces liker him nor ithers. "Hoo can ye ken that? ye never saw him." "Never saw him!

"There is one within that hight Folker. He is liker a wild boar than a fiddler. I thank Heaven that I escaped the devil. His tunes are harsh; his bow is red. His notes smite many a hero dead. I know not what this minstrel hath against us. Never was guest so unwelcome." The knight of Bern, and Sir Rudeger, went each to his lodging.

Myself at this instant liker to die than to live, by a mischance, could not follow this confident opinion of our refiner to my own satisfaction; but afterward demanding our General's opinion therein, and to have some part of the ore, he replied, Content yourself, I have seen enough; and were it but to satisfy my private humour, I would proceed no further.

I'm sure it's much liker the way we shall be dressed in heaven, though I don't think I shall ever get there, if I must read the good books grannie reads." "I don't know that it is necessary to read any good books but the good book," I said. "There, grannie!" exclaimed Miss Gladwyn, triumphantly. "I'm so glad I've got Mr Walton on my side!"

Yet in the long years liker must they grow; The man be more of woman, she of man; He gain in sweetness and in moral height, Nor lose the wrestling thews that throw the world; She mental breadth, nor fail in childward care, Nor lose the childlike in the larger mind; Till at the last she set herself to man, Like perfect music unto noble words." A wife may be a civilizing force; this is well.

He had improved her character, and she knew it, and often told him so. "Call me Hazelia," she said; "make me liker you still." One day, he came suddenly through the jungle, and found her reading her prayer-book. He took it from her, not meaning to be rude, neither, but inquisitive. It was open at the marriage-service, and her cheeks were dyed scarlet. His heart panted.