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I have a most gloomy prospect of affairs in Germany; the French are already in possession of Cassel, and of the learned part of Hanover, that is Gottingen; where I presume they will not stop 'pour l'amour des belles lettres', but rather go on to the capital, and study them upon the coin. My old acquaintance, Monsieur Richelieu, made a great progress there in metallic learning and inscriptions.

Come, speak frankly, mon fils; elle est encore jeune, plus agee que toi peut-etre, mais juste asset pour unir la tendresse d'une petite maman a l'amour d'une epouse devouee; n'est-ce pas que cela t'irait superieurement?" "No, monsieur; I should like my wife to be my wife, and not half my mother." "She is then a little too old for you?"

The play itself La Seconde Surprise de l'Amour by Pierre de Marivaux, was quite unknown to the audience. Brigit and Castrillon had appeared in it at Madrid, and descriptions of their success were whispered through the room. The story of her birth, her unhappy marriage, her adventures in Spain, and her relations with De Hausée had quickened curiosity to the highest pitch.

Ah, God! such days when we were young! 'Ah! Craignons de perdre un seul jour, De la belle saison de l'amour!" He sang these lines in a rich baritone, clear and thrilling with passion, and the men grouped about him, not understanding what he sang, glanced at one another with an uneasy sense of fear.

And, as my unhappy condition might appear more compatible with the nature of an alien than of a Britisher, I would accost him with a slight foreign accent, state my difficulty, and ask him, pour l'amour de Dieu, to bring me a pair of his . My name would be Frongswaw Bongjoor.

The Boboli Gardens, with their alley ways of ilex, their cypresses and broken statues, their forgotten fountains, are full of sadness "Tout en chantant sur le mode mineur, L'amour vainqueur et la vie opportune, Ils n'ont pas l'air de croire

'You know it's a play, and I call her L'Amour for shortness; and she laughed hilariously, and I could not forbear joining; and, winking at me, she called aloud, 'L'Amour. To which the crone, with a high-cauled cap, resembling Mother Hubbard, responded with a courtesy and 'Yes,'m. 'Are all the trunks and boxes took up? They were. 'Well, we'll come now; and what shall I call you, Quince?

He did not foresee that a passing conversation in an Indian bungalow might perchance photograph itself on the somewhat sparsely covered tablets of a man's mind, to be reproduced at the wrong moment with a result lying twenty-six years ahead in the womb of time. L'amour fait tout excuser, mais il faut etre bien sur qu'il y a de i amour.

Besides, when our principles triumph as triumph they must what would be marriage but a brief and futile ceremony, to be broken the moment thou hast cause to complain of thy wife or chafe at the bond? Only get the dot into thine own hands. L'amour passe reste la cassette."

While they were being ushered in he heard a man's voice rather high-pitched speaking in some language not his own; then the girl: "No, no, Oliver. 'Dans l'amour il y a toujours un qui aime, et l'autre qui se laisse aimer."