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On my way north I endeavored to see as much of the battle-fields of the Army of the Potomac as I could, and therefore shifted from one column to the other, visiting en route Hanover Court-House, Spotsylvania, Fredericksburg, Dumfries, etc., reaching Alexandria during the afternoon of May 19th, and pitched my camp by the road side, about half-way between Alexandria and the Long Bridge.

They contained all the insinuations of malice and contempt, all the bitterness of reproach, and all the rancour of recrimination. In the midst of this contention, the queen despatched the earl of Rivers to Hanover, with an assurance to the elector that his succession to the crown should be effectually ascertained in the treaty.

Thus, whereas they took but twenty-eight hours to travel from Hanover to Cologne the lines being German, and therefore relatively well organized they were no less than a fortnight on the way between Cologne and Marseilles.

This time the assault was successful, both sides losing a considerable number of men. But our troops had to bury the dead, and found that more Confederate than Union soldiers had been killed. The position was easily held, because our infantry was near. On the 29th a reconnoissance was made in force, to find the position of Lee. Wright's corps pushed to Hanover Court House.

"General McClellan wants those newspapers that you obtained at Hanover yesterday!" A thunderbolt would not have more transfixed me. I could not speak for a moment. Finally, I stammered that they were out of my possession. "Then, sir, I arrest you, by order of General McClellan. Get your horse!" "Stop!" said I, agitatedly, " it may not be too late. I can recover them yet.

Anne Hyde, daughter of Earl of Clarendon. | | | | | + ANNE, 1702-1714, m. | | George, son of Frederick III of Denmark. | | | + 2, Elizabeth, m. Frederick V, Elector Palatine. | | | + Sophia, m. Ernest Augustus, | Elector of Hanover. | | | + GEORGE I, succeeded 1714. | + HENRY VIII, 1509-1547, m., | 1. Catharine, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella; | 2, Anne Boleyn; | 3. Jane Seymour; | 4.

And, "Dear, dear, dear," he murmured, mincing off again with all the air of a Wall Street beau ogling the pretty dames on Hanover Square. "Where is this damned Castle?" growled Boyd. "Chinisee, Chenussio, Genesee whatever it is called?

Brummell; "Wales was never here. His late Majesty George IV. passed through on his way to Hanover. My good man, you don't seem to know what's up at all. What is he talkin' about the siege of Calais? I lived here fifteen years! Ought to know. What's his old name?" "I am Master Eustace of Saint Peter's," said the old gentleman in the shirt. "When my Lord King Edward laid siege to this city "

But still, with Antwerp and other fortresses, Holland in the rear, and Hanover and Germany at hand, and, above all, England, aiding perhaps with a British army, the independence of King Leopold's throne and kingdom might be more permanently secured by adhering to the Allies, than if he linked himself to Louis Philippe, in whose power alone, in case of non-resistance to France, he would ever afterwards remain; and far better would it be, in my opinion, for this founder of a Belgian monarchy, if he would achieve for his dynasty an honourable duration, to throw himself into the arms of the many, and reap advantages from all, than to place his destiny at the mercy of the future rulers of France."

Charles William was born at Lenthe, Hanover, in 1823, and has received high scientific honors. The world recognizes the valuable services that Dr. Siemens has rendered to the iron and steel trade by his important investigations and inventions. Dr. Siemens, like Mr. Bessemer, labored to make iron and steel direct from the ores.