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Indirectly, sorr, you have rescued from an onprincipled son av a night-hawk the peasanthry av a numerous village. An' besides, will I let that sedan-chair rot on our hands? Not I. Tis not every day a piece av pure joolry comes into the market. There's not a king widin these forty miles" he waved his hand round the dusty horizon "not a king wud not be glad to buy ut.

Tommy had money, enough to kape them all decent, bud not enough for velvet and silk an' joolry. From that minnit he got back his tongue, an' he talked himself almost to death about what he didn't do, an' what he did do in Californy. So they med him a tax-collecthor an' a shtump-speaker right away, an' that saved his neighbors from dyin' o' fatague lishtenin' to his lies.

I shall wear it till I die!" "Then what am I to do?" the ill-used woman groaned. "What shall I tell my husband when he come back to me, and see I've got a new ring waitin' for him? Won't that be a welcome?" Quoth Lucy: "How can he know it is not the same; in a plain gold ring?" "You never see so keen a eyed man in joolry as my Berry!" returned his solitary spouse. "Not know, my dear?

'Ye'd betther have a care how ye answer that question, me boy, says th' pris'ner, carelessly jingling th' loose change in his pocket. 'Sane? says th' expert. 'Well, I shud think he was. Why, I can hardly imagine how he stayed feather-headed long enough to take th' villan's joolry. Sane, says ye?

I shall wear it till I die!" "Then what am I to do?" the ill-used woman groaned. "What shall I tell my husband when he come back to me, and see I've got a new ring waitin' for him? Won't that be a welcome?" Quoth Lucy: "How can he know it is not the same; in a plain gold ring?" "You never see so keen a eyed man in joolry as my Berry!" returned his solitary spouse. "Not know, my dear?

Indirectly, sorr, you have rescued from an onprincipled son av a night- hawk the peasanthry av a numerous village. An' besides, will I let that sedan-chair rot on our hands? Not I. 'Tis not every day a piece av pure joolry comes into the market. There's not a king widin these forty miles' he waved his hand round the dusty horizon 'not a king wud not be glad to buy ut.

"May I ask you to be seated while I explain why I brought you to my house. Perhaps you would not understand nor be in sympathy with the psychological prompting that caused me to do so. So I will come to the point at once by venturing to refer to your admission that you know the Van Smuythe family, of Washington Square North." "Any silver missing?" asked Thomas tartly. "Any joolry displaced?

His gaze shifted from the tramp's face to the stuff on the fire, his nostrils wrinkling. Then slowly: "I'm in trouble," he said, and held out his hands. "Wot I'd call a mild way o' puttin' it," said the tramp coolly. "That purticular kind o' joolry ain't gen'lly wore for pleasure." His eyes took on a nervous squint and roved past Mr. Trimm's stooped figure down the slope of the hillock.

And then they sasshays into a joolry shop. Here I thought I'd stay outside. "My friend, after some talk, passes a big nugget over the counter. The joolryman he bores into it with a file and hands it back. You never see a face more contemshus than his'n. Then some kind of argyment broke out, arms a-wavin'; windin' up by the joolryman raspin' pretty near every nugget in the heap.