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"No; you're in for it," chuckled Moriarty. "Tole me 'is hown self, not three weeks agone. Camped hat hour ram-paddick, shiftin' Stewart's things to Queensland. An' wot war the hupshot? 'Stiddy, now, ses Hi 'w'e 's y' proofs? 'Some o' these young pups horter take a lessing horf o' you, Jack, ses you, jist now. You're right, Collings.

I vas a rag-merchant. So now I 'solved, since the secret vas all in my hown keeping, to keep it as tight as vinkey; for first, you sees as 'ow I vas afeard I should be hanged if I vent for to tell, 'cause vy?

Three stout constables dragged the astounded Dummie from the court in an instant, yet the more ruthlessly for his ejaculating, "Eh, sirs, what's this? I tells you I have saved the judge's hown flesh and blood! Vy, now, gently, there; you'll smart for this, my fine fellow! Never you mind, Paul, my 'arty; I 'se done you a pure good "

More shame to 'em, say I, that they didn't 'old by what was their hown when they was hunder the rule of hour gracious lady, Queen Victoria, but 'ad to go changin' an' pesterin' them what 'asn't no partickler hacquaintance with harithmetic." Hannah was a privileged character, and sometimes expressed her opinions with some freedom in the presence of her superiors.

See 'ow the sunshine comes in, and ven hit falls hon a carpet, a little furniture, and yer hown people, these 'ere rooms vill soon grow 'omelike, and yer'll come back to 'em hafteryer day's vork's hover gladly henough. I s'pose yer'll vork, since you've come hamong people who must vork hearly and late." "Yes, indeed, we'll work that is all we ask for."

No one remained now but the excitable Jew, who had already raised the skirts of Mr. Jaggers's coat to his lips several times. "I don't know this man!" said Mr. Jaggers, in the same devastating strain: "What does this fellow want?" "Ma thear Mithter Jaggerth. Hown brother to Habraham Latharuth?" "Who's he?" said Mr. Jaggers. "Let go of my coat."

Costigan tried to hold Bolton for a moment in genteel conversation, but the other surlily would not. "Don't bother me," said he; "go to your hown bed Capting, and don't keep honest men out of theirs." So the Captain tacked across the square and reached his own staircase, up which he stumbled with the worthy Huxter at his heels.

"That's right, my dear, don't; there's no curing you. Recollect the motto you chose in preference to mine." "Well, and a very proper one `Too much familiarity breeds contempt' is it not so, Master Faithful?" "Yes, madam, it was one of our copies at school." "I beg your pardon, sir, it was my hown hinvention." Rap, tap, rap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

I vas a rag-merchant. So now I 'solved, since the secret vas all in my hown keeping, to keep it as tight as vinkey; for first, you sees as 'ow I vas afeard I should be hanged if I vent for to tell, 'cause vy?

She's keepin' back a child from its hown mother!" And with that she made a fierce attack on the shawl, and succeeded in dragging the infant from Liz's reluctant arms. Wakened thus roughly from its slumbers, the poor mite set up a feeble wailing; its mother, enraged at the sound, shook it violently till it gasped for breath. "Drat the little beast!" she cried.