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If Doc jines in with spiritualists, it will be better'n what he believes in now, and if he begins changin' religions, mebby I can keep him changin', and change him into a churchgoer." And so, jist to see what Doc was like to be, I coaxed ma to go, an' I went, too. It wasn't near so sinful as I expected.

"Thank you, Abby; but I wouldn't das' t' resk changin' it; I'll set it right down where it's t' go." The brisk chatter and laughter, which by now had prevaded the big place, ceased as by a preconcerted signal, and a dozen women gathered about the table toward which Mrs. Solomon Black was moving like the central figure in some stately pageant. "Fer pity sake!" whispered Mrs.

He ground his big hand across his forehead, scowling. "I dunno," he said, drawing a long breath. "I jest know that I got to get the girl. Words don't say what I mean. All I know is that I've got to go up there an' get that girl, and bring her back so's she can save Dan, not from the people that's huntin' him, but from himself." "There ain't no way of changin' you?" said his father.

Milt aint no sweet-scented geranium but's out fer all the simoleons he can pick off the little old Mazuma Tree, why, I on'y says what I reads an' hears, believe me. You bein' his nephew aint changin' public opinion none. See?" Kendrick's anger at this brazenness had prevented him from thinking clearly.

Sometimes, I don't know what made it, there would be long lines of light in different colors layin' on the water; long waveless furrows of palest amethyst, lilock, pale rose-color, and pearl, soft green and blue, way off and near to, wide and long and changin' all the time.

Because it is jest as I tell you, when things get to happenin' there hain't no tellin' when they will ever stop." Miss Fogg groaned, a low, deep groan, and that is every word she said, only after a little while she spoke up, and sez: "You hain't eaten a bit of dinner; it all got cold while you wuz a changin' your dress." "Oh, wall," sez I, "I can get along some way.

I inquired after 'is health from Retallick. "'Don't ask me, 'e says, sneerin' be'ind his silver spectacles. ''E's promoted to be captain's second supernumerary servant, to be dressed and addressed as such. If 'e does 'is dooties same as he skinned the spuds, I ain't for changin' with the old man.

"That ain't nothin'. Once I bu'sted up a Mingo camp to git my dawg. They'd caught the critter an' was cal'latin' to sculp him alive. Got him free, too, an' the damn pup was that stirred up by his feelin's that he couldn't tell who was his friends, an' he chawed my thumb somethin' cruel." He stepped to the loophole, and after peering out mumbled: "Changin' mighty smart."

I've heard a good deal from the mother about you bein' converted, and changin' into a different sort of a man, but I don't think much of any kind of converted dad that don't care enough for his boy to give him a quarter to go to a ball game."

"We have enjoyed your visit to us," said beautiful Queen Aquareine, smiling upon her little friend, "and you may easily repay any pleasure we have given you by speaking well of the mermaids when you hear ignorant earth people condemning us." "I'll do that, of course," exclaimed the child. "How about changin' us back to our reg'lar shapes?" inquired Cap'n Bill anxiously.