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I should be on the look out for the infamus lise of the enemy, got up jest be4 elecshun for perlitical effeck. When all was over and my candydate was elected, I should move heving & erth so to speak until I got orfice, which if I didn't git a orfice I should turn round and abooze the Administration with all my mite and maine. But I'm not in the bizniss.

"Now, then, any gent desirous uv heving his system ventilated free of charge, will kin'ly step this way," he mocked. "Ah " as Hickey's hand slid to his waist, "don't touch thet gun, mister, or yer friends will be sendin' you flowers." "Waal, by Juniper!" drawled Rafter, as he gathered his spidery form together and scrambled to his feet. "You seem ter hev ther drop on us, stranger."

He said: "In compromises they always get half." This removed my only objection. Chief BLUNT. He sent one of these by his confidential messenger to the "reputed wife" of Brick Duffy, and the other to the reputed wife of Red McFadden. Within the hour these offensive answers came: YE OWLD FOOL: brick Duffys bin ded 2 yere. CHIEF BAT, Red McFadden is hung and in heving 18 month.

"I say, Joseph, if that's your name, may I address you as 'Old Dear' without imperilling my life?" teased Hippy. "Ye kin call me anything ye like. After the talk of them varmints anything would sound as sweet as the harps of Heving in a thunder storm." "All right Old Dear," answered Hippy solemnly.

"Why they sez, sir its in one o' the heving peepers, they sez that the people wot's missin' hev been carted off in aeroplanes by some o' the other religionists wot wanted to git rid o' them, an' that the crank religiouses is all gone to " "Where?" smiled Bastin. "I don't think anybody knows where, sir!"

"We'll come, Dave, never fear," said Dick, taking out his knife as he reached the ice, and cleaning the mud off his skates, for the ground was soft near the fire, though hard as iron everywhere else. "I don't fear, lads," said Dave smiling, and letting off his watchman-rattle laugh. "It's a bad job, but not so bad as Farmer Tallington's stables burning, or squire's beasts heving theer legs cooten.

Ben Craven is good at home. You may measure a man by his home conduct, it's t' right place to draw t' line, you may depend upon it. Tak' a bit o' Christmas loaf, and go your ways back now, dearies, for we'll be heving a storm varry soon." They went merrily out, and about fifty yards away met Mr. North. He also looked very happy, and his lips were moving, as if he was silently singing.

The first round of this drink had been welcomed with a salvo of cheers. Hooven, recovering his spirits under its violent stimulation, spoke of "heving ut oudt mit Cudder, bei Gott," while Osterman, standing on a chair at the end of the room, shouted for a "few moments quiet, gentlemen," so that he might tell a certain story he knew.

"Ah, it was too bad, Dave; but there are a couple of fine large horns at home I've saved for you, and we've bought you a pound of powder." "Nay, I sha'n't believe it till I see 'em," said Dave. "I did mean to hev asked you lads to come netting, but I can't ask them as plays tricks." "Netting! What, the ruffs?" "Ay, I weer thinking about heving a try for 'em. But I shall give it up."

He was in a West Riding evening-suit, he had a flower in his coat, and a pair of white gloves in his hand. "Rich people all hev their rights," he said, "but a poor lad like me can't spend his hard-earned wage without heving to pay this and that sixpenny claim " "For board and lodging, Sam," cried a pretty girl impatient for the talking to cease, and the dance to begin.