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"Py Cot, it is for no other cause that I know than his honour's pleasure; for the creature might hae gone on in a decent quiet way for me, sae lang as he respectit the Duke's pounds put reason goot he suld be taen, and hangit to poet, if it may pleasure ony honourable shentleman that is the Duke's friend Sae I got the express over night, and I caused warn half a score of pretty lads, and was up in the morning pefore the sun, and I garr'd the lads take their kilts and short coats."

Ye little rin-there-out deil that ye are, what takes you raking through the gutters to see folk hangit? how wad ye like when it comes to be your ain chance, as I winna ensure ye, if ye dinna mend your manners? And what are ye maundering and greeting for, as if a word were breaking your banes?

Auld Willy, that was over a hundred, raised a piping voice, "Did ye young things remember Gawin Elliot that was his great-grandfather ye'd be saying, 'Ye might think it was Gawin Elliot that was hangit!" Mrs. Macmurdo came to her shop door. "Eh, the laird, wi' all the straw of all that's past alight in his heart!" Alexander answered the "good days," but he did not draw rein.

"But," continued Gager Tramp, "thinkest thou the daughter o' yon hangit body isna as rank a witch as ho?" "I kenna clearly," returned the fellow, "but the folk are speaking o' swimming her i' the Eden." And they passed on their several roads, after wishing each other good-morning. Just as the clowns left the place, and as Mr.

"But," continued Gager Tramp, "thinkest thou the daughter o' yon hangit body isna as rank a witch as ho?" "I kenna clearly," returned the fellow, "but the folk are speaking o' swimming her i' the Eden." And they passed on their several roads, after wishing each other good-morning. Just as the clowns left the place, and as Mr.

I saw how he looked, and I said to mysel', 'You're up to some mischief. His party hangit the noble Marquis and plagued him wi' their prayers on the scaffold, and it is as natural for a Covenanter to hate a Graham as to eat his breakfast. MacKay saw we were dangerous, and ye'll be more dangerous yet, Claverhouse, to the black crew.

There'll be nae skaith to yoursel' if I keep ye here; far free that, I think ye'll be a hantle better by it. There'll be nae skaith to the kintry just ae mair Hielantman hangit Gude kens, a guid riddance! On the ither hand, it would be considerable skaith to me if I would let you free.

Murray having defeated the Queen's forces at Langside, Hamilton took refuge in Dumbarton Castle, which was surprised and captured in 1571, when the Archbishop was taken to Stirling and hanged. In the words of the Diurnal of Occurrants: "as the bell struck six hours at even, he was hangit at the mercat cross of Stirling upon a jebat."

"The fearless rogue will hang himself, and realize the prophecy of Merlin the wild, regarding our house 'On Cockburn's elm, on Henderland lee, A Cockburn laird shall hangit be." "God forfend!" ejaculated Marjory. "Hector, undo that cord, and descend. My ears ring with old Lailoken's prophetic rhyme, when I look on that swing. I shall have it removed."

A horrible recollection pressed on Jeanie as she looked on this unfortunate creature; and the reminiscence was mutual, for by a sudden exertion of great strength and agility, Madge Wildfire broke out of the noisy circle of tormentors who surrounded her, and clinging fast to the door of the calash, uttered, in a sound betwixt laughter and screaming, "Eh, d'ye ken, Jeanie Deans, they hae hangit our mother?"