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Black-tailed deer,” I said softly, with my eyes glued on the thicket. “Well, tenderfoot, here’s the trail of that tha’ deer, and he hain’t been gone by here mor’n nor a week ago, nuther.” I looked and there in the soft mud was the print of a foot, a human-looking foot, but for the evenness in the length of the toes and the sharpness and length of the toe nails.

At the breakfast table next morning Julia’s pale face was noticed and commented upon. "She had a violent toothache last night, which kept her awake," said Fanny. "Now I think of it," said Mr. Middleton, "I wonder, Tempest, how you can have the toothache, for you are always bragging about your handsome, healthy teeth, and say you hain’t a rotten fang in your head."

Howsomever, he hain’t yet skeered me ’nough to make my ha’r come out by the roots,” said Pete with a yawn. “There, kick that back log over so’s the fire can lick at t’other side; now let’s turn in.”

Bet a ten spot it’s a Patrick Mullen. Hain’t it?” The name of my kinsman, the famous gunsmith, brought a sudden realization that Mullen was my own family name. The mention of the gunsmith seemed also to have a curious effect on the old man. His face grew red under the tan and his brow wrinkled and I could see his cold blue eyes scrutinizing Big Pete closely. Finally he said bluntly,

Tenderfoot? Well, I should say so. No one but a short-horn from the East would keep his mouth open gulping in the frozen fog, filling his warm lungs with quarts of fine ice. I reckon it would be healthier to breathe pounded glass, fur it hain’t sharper nor half as cold. Why, Le-loo, tha’ be a dose of fever and lung inflammation in every mouthful of this frozen fog.”

It was long after dark when I reached camp and was greeted by my friend and guide withGol durn your pictur tenderfut, if it hain’t tuk you longer to get a pesky mess of yaller fish than it orter to kill a bar.”

“I believe your judication is sound, Le-loo; stay where you be an’ if he hain’t a witch I’ll bet my front tooth agin the string of his moccasin that I’ll find the bridge, and I’ll swear by my grandmother’s hind leg that that little imp will pay for our sheep yit.” As Pete finished these remarks there was a sudden and astonishing change in his appearance.

At last, lifting up his head, he turned to Kate and said, "You must not think me a silly old fool, child, for Lord knows old Josh Middleton hain’t shed such tears since he was a little shaver and cried when they buried up his dead mother." Kate could not reply, but from that time she felt for Mr. Middleton a respect and esteem which nothing could ever change. After Mr.

I’ll be tarnally tarnashuned if that terri-fa-ca-cious spook hain’t pulled out!” was the exclamation that awakened me the morning after our adventure with the bear. Lazily opening my eyes I gazed a moment at the sun just peeping over the mountain, then closed them again; but when I attempted to change my position a sharp pain in my ankle thoroughly awakened me.

"I hain’t got nothin’ else, Miss Leffie Lacey, if you please," said Rondeau, snapping his fingers in her face, and giving Aunt Dilsey’s elbow a slight jostle, just enough to spill the oil, with which she was filling a lamp. "Rondeau, I ’clar’ for’t," said Aunt Dilsey, setting down her oil can. "If marster don’t crack your head, my old man Claib shall, if he ever gits up agin.