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And as I gave it him, I looked him in the face and said that he could send it when he liked, ‘in a month’s time would do.’ How, how could he have failed to understand that I was practically telling him to his face, ‘You want money to be false to me with your creature, so here’s the money for you. I give it to you myself.

He doesn’t want a powerful civilian ready to face up to him all the time. If he can discredit Don Cazar in this country, he figures he has it made." Nye laughed shortly. "Lordy, what bottle did he suck out a dream like that? A lizard might jus’ as well try to fight it out with a cougar an’ think he hadda chance of winnin’. This here’s th’ Range, an’ ain’t nobody but th’ Old Man runs th’ Range!

Glasses down!" "You can’t drink this, you know, Aunt Mary," said Jack,—"it’s bad taste to drink to yourself." "I don’t want to drink," said Aunt Mary, beaming,—"I like to watch you." "Here’s to Aunt Mary’s liking to watch us!" cried Clover. "No," said Burnett rising, "don’t. It’s time to go and get the salad now."

Black-tailed deer,” I said softly, with my eyes glued on the thicket. “Well, tenderfoot, here’s the trail of that tha’ deer, and he hain’t been gone by here mor’n nor a week ago, nuther.” I looked and there in the soft mud was the print of a foot, a human-looking foot, but for the evenness in the length of the toes and the sharpness and length of the toe nails.

As he tossed, half waking, she heard him groan and curse the cattle-men with oaths that made her glad she had sent the children from home. Then she bent over him and woke him from his uneasy slumber. "Jim, don’t you want me to bathe your head? And here’s some nice, hot coffee all ready for you." Jim woke slowly to a realization of his troubles and his blessings.

‘I am not of your country, sir; but I have an infinite veneration for your country, as Strap said to the French soldier. Will you take a glass of wine?’ ‘Ah, de tout mon cœur, as the parasite said to Gil Blas,’ cried the young man, laughing. ‘Here’s to our better acquaintance!’

I gave you a pack and you hid it. You played with marked cards! I could send you to Siberia for playing with false cards, d’you know that, for it’s just the same as false banknotes....” And going up to the sofa he thrust his fingers between the sofa back and the cushion, and pulled out an unopened pack of cards. “Here’s my pack unopened!”

"It sure is! Me, Johnny Shannon! An’ I’m ridin’ outta here free’n clear or else I’ll do what I said. I mean that, Rennie! I surely do mean it. You lose me an’ you git your real songood bargain, ain’t it?" "You won’t ride free for long, Johnny. You know that." "I can have me a pretty good try, Rennie. This here’s my country an’ I know it wellbetter’n any but your men.

But as for relationship, your brother, or even your father, is more likely to make her yours than mine. Well, here we are. You’d better go to the kitchen. Hullo! what’s wrong, what is it? Are we late? They can’t have finished dinner so soon! Have the Karamazovs been making trouble again? No doubt they have. Here’s your father and your brother Ivan after him.

"I shall like to shake it out once in a while to remind me of things." "Hand me my purse," she said to the maid five minutes afterwards. "Here’s twenty-five dollars an’ I want you to take it and get anythin’ you like with it." "But that’s too much," Janice cried, putting her hands behind her and shaking her head. "Take it," said Aunt Mary imperiously; "you’re well worth it."