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During the night the directors had taken care to pay themselves for the banknotes in their own possession with silver or gold, and, as they expected a run, they ordered all persons to be paid in copper coin, as long as any money of this metal remained.

"I thought as much," remarked Miss Wren, "and here is little Miss Harmonses' doll waiting for you. She's folded up in silver paper, you see, as if she was wrapped from head to foot in new banknotes. Take care of her and there's my hand and thank you again." "I'll take more care of her than if she was a gold image," said Sloppy, "and there's both my hands, Miss, and I'll soon come back again!"

He rushed to him, and flung his arms around him. "You little devil," he cried, "you rode like you were kin to that hoss! We've won! We've won!" And he began sticking banknotes at the boy. At first Patsy's eyes bulged, and then he seized the money and got into his clothes. "Goin' out to spend it?" asked Brackett. "I'm goin' for a doctah fu' my mother," said Patsy, "she's sick."

Gold spoke directly and eloquently to what stood for a soul in Loony Honeycutt; banknotes had a voice which he understood but which could never move him, thrill him, lift him to ecstatic heights, as pure musical, beautiful gold could. "It's a sight of money, Mark," he whispered "It's a sight of money." King held his silence. His whole argument was on the table.

On her death-bed she called Oonah to her, and said, "I leave you this quilt, alanna 't is worth more than it appears. The hundred-pound notes Andy gave me I quilted into the lining, so that if I lived poor all my life till lately, I died under a quilt of banknotes, anyhow."

"Here, Grizzie!" said Cosmo; "here's the auchteen pence ye gae me for expences: say ye're pleased I haena waured it. Jist a word wi' ye, Grizzie! Luik here only dinna tell!" He had drawn her aside to the corner where stood the meal-chest, and now showed her a bunch of banknotes. So many she had never seen not to say in a bunch, but scattered over all her life!

It is a rapid, and we shall have to make a circuit of ten miles to the north to find a ford." The colonel launched a volley of oaths, denouncing the railway company and the conductor; and Passepartout, who was furious, was not disinclined to make common cause with him. Here was an obstacle, indeed, which all his master's banknotes could not remove.

Some were half persuaded that it would be a fine thing to get some crisp banknotes in exchange for waste ground which yielded little, or a cabin which was falling to pieces, or a strip of woodland which gave them fuel, but not much more. But the majority were angry, irreconcilable, furious to lose the water, full of their wrongs.

Johnson lifted her to the sofa, with a sort of awkward tenderness, which perhaps he would not have liked to acknowledge to his master; and then, before summoning Mrs. Capper, he thrust into Milly's pocket the envelope containing the banknotes and the address which he had brought with him.

Look here, you disgust me with your banknotes and your dirty stories, and I don't choose to say what you ought to wear on your head!" She turned her back on me and hurried off, and her insolence, that indignant reply which she had given me, rejoiced me to the depths of my heart, like soothing balm that lulls the pain.