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'Haley had stood a perfectly amazed spectator of the scene, till Eliza had disappeared up the bank, when he turned a blank, inquiring look on Sam and Andy. "That ar was a tolable fair stroke of business," said Sam. "The gal's got seven devils in her, I believe," said Haley. "How like a wild-cat she jumped!" "Wal, now," said Sam, scratching his head, "I hope mas'r'll 'scuse us tryin' dat ar road.

Passing rapidly up the stairs, Johnson saw a light shine in McLane's room, and he kicked the door wide open, exclaiming, "Bad luck everywhere; the gal's stone dead; the beaks are round us. Wake up, McLane!" "Joe!" said a voice, and Patty Cannon threw her arms around him. "To burning fire with you!" bellowed the filial son. "Take your arms away!" "Let us make up, Joe!

For that matter, every one of us is working for Government on the same road. But the gal's a good gal, and if she's set her fancy on you I won't block her. You're a pair of dashed fools, that's all, botherin' your heads with the like at a time like this, when you boys are all more likely to have a rope round your necks than any gal's arms, good or bad. Have your own way.

Dewey-would not know me by that name." "I tell you, Ben, that gal's a trump!" said Jake Bradley enthusiastically, when they were by themselves; "and so I'll tell Dick Dewey when I see him." "She's been a kind friend to me, Jake. I hope we can find Mr. Dewey for her." "We'll find him if he's in California," answered Jake.

As Owen and Hicks approached the shop they heard a loud argument going on inside. "How much do you want for it?" "Ten dollars. It's a brand-new Negus." "Ten nothing. You stole it, you son of a sea cook. I'll give you a dime for it." "I did not steal it, so help me ! The captain of that 'lime juicer' over in the North River gave it to me for saving his little gal's life.

One particular friend of mine, a good-humoured Cockney, grinned sheepishly as he replied confidentially, "Well, matey, I done it to get away from my old gal's jore now you've got it!" Another recruit, a pale, intelligent youth, who knew Nietzsche by heart, glanced at me coldly as he answered, "I enlisted because I am an Englishman."

Mark my words, Tagg, he'll not tackle the job for fear it comes to the gal's ears. You watch him close up like an oyster." Stump was a prophet worthy of honor, though Dick did not appreciate the Baron's friendly solicitude about his affairs until long afterwards. But he did learn by chance how amply justified Irene was in her fear that he might be asked to leave the ship.

"Don't hardly worth seem carryin'," said the soldier, glancing at the flowers with open contempt, "an' sartin it ain't worth no sich money ter take 'em." Lest she would agree with him, however, he set off with celerity. "Like as not he'll give me a reprimand fer troublin' him with a gal's nonsense," he soliliquised, as he walked. "Swan ef I ain't most tempted ter throw 'em in the ditch."

"No, no, Deerslayer, you're no beauty, as you will own yourself, if you'll look over the side of the canoe," he cried; "Jude will say that to your face, if you start her, for a parter tongue isn't to be found in any gal's head, in or out of the settlements, if you provoke her to use it.

Sure enough a rough-looking fellow, his hat pulled over his eyes, half concealed behind a pile of lumber, was casting a sinister glance toward the pair. "The gal's well enough," continued Sam; "but I don't take a cent's wuth of stock in thet thar father of her'n. He's in with them sharps, sure pop, an' it don't suit his book to hev Foster hangin' round.