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The way it happened, accordin' as the corporal tould him, was jist how the Jook iv Wellington detarmined to fight a rale tarin' battle wid the Frinch, and Bonyparty at the same time was aiqually detarmined to fight the divil's own scrimmidge wid the British foorces.

An th' German impror wint back to his bedroom f'r to wurruk on th' book he's goin' to br-ring out nex' year to take th' place iv th' bible. "He's th' boy f'r me money. Whin th' German throops takes their part in th' desthruction iv Peking they'll be none iv th' allied foorces 'll stick deeper or throw th' backbone iv th' impress' ol' father higher thin th' la-ads fr'm th' home iv th' sausage.

Afther this sthroke 'twud be aisy f'r to get th' foorces iv Fr-rinch, Gatacre, Methoon, an' Winston Churchill together some afthernoon, invite th' inimy to a band concert, surround an' massacree thim. This adroit move cud be ixicuted if Roberts wud on'y make use iv th' ixicillint bus sarvice between Hokesmith an' Mikesmith.

Dooley, "they'll know a thing or two about good manners an' Christyan idees." "They need thim," said Mr. Hennessy. "They do so," said Mr. Dooley. "An' they'll get thim. By an' by th' allied foorces will proceed to Peking. It may not be in ye'er life time or in mine, or in th' life time iv th' ministhers, Hinnissy. They ar-re in no hurry.

Th' American foorces is r-ready f'r to start immejately, but they ar-re not there yet. Th' British gin'ral is waitin' f'r th' Victorya cross befure he does annything, an' th' Japanese an' th' Rooshan is dancin' up an' down sayin' 'Afther you, me boy."

"You got back all right, anyhow," said Blackie. "Aloon i' the vast an' silent spaces of the vaulted heavens," said Tam in his sing-song tones which invariably accompanied his narratives, "the Young Avenger of the Cloods, Tam the Scoot, focht his ficht. Attacked by owerwhelmin' foorces, shot at afore an' behint, the noble laddie didna lose his nairve.

So wid that Bonypart pushes up his cocked hat, and begins scratching his head, and thinning and considherin' for the bare life, and at last says he to the gineral: 'Gineral Commandher iv all the Foorces, says he, 'I've hot it, says he: 'ordher out the forlorn hope, says he, 'an' give them as much powdher, both glazed and blasting, says he, 'an' as much bullets do ye mind, an' swan-dhrops an' chain-shot, says he, 'an' all soorts iv waipons an' combustables as they can carry; an' let them surround Bill Malowney, says he, 'an' if they can get any soort iv an advantage, says he, 'let them knock him to smithereens, says he, 'an' then take him presner, says he; 'an' tell all the bandmen iv the Frinch army, says he, 'to play up "Garryowen," to keep up their sperits, says he, 'all the time they're advancin'. An' you may promise them anything you like in my name, says he; for, by my sowl, I don't think its many iv them 'ill come back to throuble us, says he, winkin' at him.

Th' ministhers ar-re as comfortable as they can be on a dite iv polo ponies an' bamboo, an' they have exercise enough dodgin' cannon balls to have no fear iv indygisthion. They'se no need of haste. Th' allied foorces must take no step forward while wan ar-rmed foe survives.