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On the return of the maidens of the palace he is advised by them to watch the next time the birds come, and to take possession of the feather-suit belonging to the damsel of his choice, for without this she cannot return home with her attendants. He succeeds in doing so, and thus compels her to remain with him and become his wife.

And at the end of that time she said to Janshah, 'I wish to go with thee to thy mother land, where thou shalt marry me and we will abide there. 'To hear is to obey, answered he and took counsel with Shaykh Nasr who said to him, 'Go thou home, I commend her to thy care. Then said she, 'O Shaykh Nasr, bid him render me my feather-suit. So the Shaykh bade Janshah give it to her, and he went straightways into the pavilion and brought it out for her.

With her he departs to his own country and settles in Bagdad, where his wife bears him two sons. During his temporary absence, however, she persuades her mother-in-law who, unfortunately for the happiness of the household, lives with the young couple to let her have the feather-suit which her husband has left under her charge.

So she waited till midnight, when Janshah was drowned in sleep; then she rose and going straight to the place where the marble coffer was buried under the arches she hollowed the ground alongside till she came upon it; when she removed the lead where with it was soldered and, taking out the feather-suit, put it on.