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Steamed from 6 A.M. till 7 P.M. Vast treeless marshes in wet season now teeming with waterfowl: say fifty miles accomplished to-day through the ever-winding river. The wood from the last forest is inferior, and we have only sufficient fuel for five hours left upon the steamer.

The path entered the forest which covers the steep sides of the ever-winding gorge of the Dordogne for many leagues, only broken where the rocks are so nearly vertical that no soil has ever formed upon them, except in the little crevices and upon the ledges, where the hellebore, the sedum, the broom, and other unambitious plants which love sterility flourish where the foot of man has never trod.

On the ruins of that grand edifice, "flowery glades and thickets of odoriferous trees extended in ever-winding labyrinths upon immense platforms, and dizzy arches suspended in the air." Of the Coliseum, the most colossal of Roman ruins, only about one-third remained.

Louise curbed him gently with hand and voice as he stepped through the wide gateway of the ranch. He paced lightly across the first shallow ford. Then the narrowing walls of the cañon echoed his clean-cut steps a patter of phantom hoof-beats following him, stride for stride. Down the long, ever-winding road they swung.