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Eunomota superciliaris, racket-shaped feathers in the tail of. Eupetomena macroura, colours of the female. Euphema splendida. Euplocamus erythrophthalmus, possession of spurs by the female. Europe, ancient inhabitants of. Europeans, difference of, from Hindoos; hairiness of, probably due to reversion. Eurostopodus, sexes of. Eurygnathus, different proportions of the head in the sexes of.

Calyptorhynchus Banksii, VIG. and HORSF. Leachii xanthonotus, GOULD. Polytelis melanura. Platycercus Baueri, VIG. and HORSF. Barnardi, VIG. and HORSF. Adelaidiae, GOULD. flaveolus, GOULD. Psephotus multicolor. haematonotus, GOULD. Melopsittacus undulatus. Euphema aurantia, GOULD. elegans, GOULD. Pezoporus formosus.

The poor things would hardly descend to water, and several of the Euphema came to the creek in the dark, when we could not see to fire at them, and several killed themselves by flying against our tent ropes. The range of the Rose Cockatoo was right across the continent as far as we went as well as that of the Crested Parroquet, which was, as I have observed, the last bird we saw, just before Mr.

The Euphema elegans then passed us, with several other kinds of birds, but some of them remained, as did also the Euphema Bourkii, which the reader will find more particularly noticed under its proper head. There were always an immense number of Raptores following the line of migration, and living on the smaller birds; nor was any thing more remarkable than the terror they caused amongst them.

We did not again see these birds until we had passed the Stony Desert and entered the box-tree forest to the north of it, in which was the creek with the huge native well. There a variety of birds had congregated the Rose Cockatoo, the piping Magpie, the Calodera, various parrots and parroquets, bronze-wing Pigeons, and numerous small birds. At Cawndilla, Mr. Poole shot a Euphema splendida, Gould.