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Dolly Dutton, that is to be dairy-maid at Inverara; and they bring me on as far as Glasgo, whilk will make it nae pinch to win hame, whilk I desire of all things. May the Giver of all good things keep ye in your outgauns and incomings, whereof devoutly prayeth your loving dauter, "Jean Deans." The third letter was to Butler, and its tenor as follows: "Master Butler.

Look here." Coverly drew from his pocket a letter written in a painfully cramped hand upon cheap note paper, and this he spread out for his companion to read. "There's an example in point." The letter, which bore the Ranger postmark, ran as follows: DERE SIR Your store has bin rekomend to me for dimons and I want some for my wife and dauter. Send me prises on rings of large sises.

"Aye, she'll git tired of deh life atter a while an' den she'll wanna be a-comin' home, won' she, deh beast! I'll let 'er in den, won' I?" "Well, I didn' mean none of dis prod'gal bus'ness anyway," explained Jimmie. "It wasn't no prod'gal dauter, yeh damn fool," said the mother. "It was prod'gal son, anyhow." "I know dat," said Jimmie. For a time they sat in silence.

After the mother had, with great difficulty, suppressed the neighbors, she went among them and proclaimed her grief. "May Gawd forgive dat girl," was her continual cry. To attentive ears she recited the whole length and breadth of her woes. "I bringed 'er up deh way a dauter oughta be bringed up an' dis is how she served me! She went teh deh devil deh first chance she got! May Gawd forgive her."

"Oh," she said, "it's you, is it? I thought I smelt something." But the old girl was glad to see me. In the mornin' I found that my family were entertainin' a artist from Philadelphy, who was there paintin' some startlin water-falls and mountains, and I morin suspected he had a hankerin' for my oldest dauter. "Mr. Skimmerhorn, father," sed my dauter. "Glad to see you, Sir!"

I replied in a hospittle vois "Glad to see you." "He is an artist, father," sed my child. "A whichist?" "An artist. A painter." "And glazier," I askt. "Air you a painter and glazier, sir?" My dauter and wife was mad, but I couldn't help it; I felt in a comikil mood.

Dolly Dutton, that is to be dairy-maid at Inverara; and they bring me on as far as Glasgo, whilk will make it nae pinch to win hame, whilk I desire of all things. May the Giver of all good things keep ye in your outgauns and incomings, whereof devoutly prayeth your loving dauter, "Jean Deans." The third letter was to Butler, and its tenor as follows: "Master Butler.