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'Kitty the Cutie' was a feature." "Why did she leave?" "Just quit. Sent in word about ten days ago that she was through. No explanation." "Mr. Ellis, I'm interested in Milly Neal," said the minister, after some hesitation. "She's helped me quite a bit with our club down here. There's a lot in that girl. But there's a queer, un-get-at-able streak, too. Do you know a man named Veltman?" "Max? Yes.

It's a real cutie almost intelligent the way it behaves. But it can be licked." "Good get on it right away." "I'm starting tomorrow." "Fine I thought you'd be the right man. Kara! Fix the doctor a drink. We might as well have a nightcap then I'll go back to the house and listen to Henry and Anne's screams about poor mistreated Douglas, and then back to Albertsville tomorrow.

"I guess I'll go in with my father, in the wholesale drug business," said Fred. "My married brother already is in the firm, and I suppose they'll give me a show send me out on the road a year or two first, maybe, to try me. Then I'm going to marry some little cutie and settle down. What you goin' to do, Ramsey? Go to Law School, and then come back and go in your father's office?" "I don't know.

Say, he almost got down on his knees, right there in Gruber's! But he came back inside of ten seconds he's a jollier, for sure, he was right there with the goods, it was because he loved me, he couldn't help himself, I was his cutie, and all that kind of baby talk." Lise's objective manner of speaking about her seducer amazed Janet. "Do you love him?" she asked. "Say, what is love?" Lise demanded.

She had reveled in the mild foreignness of it. But she saw these Scandinavian women zealously exchanging their spiced puddings and red jackets for fried pork chops and congealed white blouses, trading the ancient Christmas hymns of the fjords for "She's My Jazzland Cutie," being Americanized into uniformity, and in less than a generation losing in the grayness whatever pleasant new customs they might have added to the life of the town.

"Chip off the old block. Does she program yet? A cutie! She'll keep you busy." "She will. How was your holiday?" "Fine. My brother came for a couple of nights. Lots of music, good eats." Dan patted his stomach. "Have to work it off. Any luck with the trial balance?" "Not so far." "Well, if you can't find it, you can't find it. Month to month, we're doing fine; the numbers aren't getting worse.

But the petulance grew upon her, nor would she be gainsaid. "I wanna big brown grizzly a great big brown one with a grin." "Aw, Doll, look at this little white one a classy little white one. Look at his nose, cutie, made out of a button. Look, ain't that some nose! Look, ain't " "A big brown one that I can dance with, Jimmie. I wanna dance. Gee! who could dance with a little dinky devil like that!

"What YOU lookin' so self-satisfied about?" he inquired, and added in his knowing way, "I saw you, all right, cutie!" "Where'd you see me?" "Down-town." "This afternoon, you mean, Walter?" "Yes, 'this afternoon, I mean, Walter," he returned, burlesquing her voice at least happily enough to please himself; for he laughed applausively. "Oh, you never saw me!

Babbitt liked that smile, and hunted for conversation: "Saw a bang-up cabaret in New York: the 'Good-Morning Cutie' bunch at the Hotel Minton." "Yes, they're pretty girls. I danced there one evening." "Oh. Like dancing?" "Naturally. I like dancing and pretty women and good food better than anything else in the world. Most men do."

Well it looks like we would half to go to bed on a empty stomach if you could call it bed and speaking about stomach Brady says they's a old saying that a army travels on their stomach but a cutie covers a whole lot more ground.