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There we had lived contentedly till we had been captured by raiding Liburnian pirates from the Dalmatian islands. They had sold us at Ancona, where we had been horribly mistreated by a cruel and savage master, who had branded and scourged us for imaginary delinquencies. From him we had run away, intent on making our way back to Aquileia and to our rightful owner.

She sent one of her light arrows at him barbed with further mischief. "I wish, as you go back, you would stop at the stable and see whether they have mistreated him in any way. He takes things so hard when they don't go to suit him," and she turned to Kitty and laughed significantly.

Tales are told of cruel masters who overworked, flogged and otherwise mistreated their helpers and slaves; these masters, however, seem to have been an exception to the rule and considering that they were generally well provided for, many slaves were better off economically than the laborer of today who is a victim of misfortunes such as sickness, disability and old age.

He beat one mule until it was forced to return disabled to the barn, and a few days later mistreated a second until it was worthless and the boss in a humane spirit had the animal shot. For such cases a precedent had long been established. The boy deserved to be discharged at once, and discharged he was.

"I don't wish to hear this." He added that Beethoven was intolerable on the piano a composer who had never had a thought that was not orchestral. "Like myself," he vouchsafed, with that smile of a mistreated child. "I, too, thought orchestrally. There was no group of instruments rich enough to suit my ambitions, just as the scale was too poor for what I wished to express.

As we turned the corner, we ran squarely into a sergeant slowly going his rounds with eyes conveniently closed to what he was paid not to see. Kennedy stopped and grabbed his arm. "There's a girl up here in 72 who is being mistreated," he cried. "Come. You must help us get her out." "Aw, g'wan. Whatyer givin' us? 72? That's a residence." "Say look here. I've got your number.

"But you wouldn't leave them out there to be mistreated and perhaps killed, would you?" interrupted Adrian. The general smiled. "Such is not my intention; but we must plan some other way. We must use a little strategy." "That's right!" exclaimed Billie, "and I'll bet the man who went out and rounded up Aguinaldo will know how to do it!"

"Well, you see, Kells, I was loved so devotedly by one and made such a hero of that I just can't bear to see any girl mistreated." He almost drawled the words, and he was suave and cool, and his face was inscrutable, but a bitterness in his tone gave the lie to all he said and looked. Pearce caught the broader inference and laughed as if at a great joke.

Amos Brown could be made to believe that he was performing an act of justice by killing the men who had mistreated his grandfather. Such a man is much more dangerous than the professional killer. He was a flyer and a good one. He had a powerful, fast plane, small enough not to attract too much attention.

At these times the lines of marching men, halted by some clumsy clashing of war machines, instantly became mere huddles of fatigue by the wayside, falling to earth like rows of standing blocks sent over by a child's touch. Facing the square was a small stone church that had been mistreated. Its front was barred by tumbled masonry, but a well-placed shell had widely breached its side wall.