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"Callate you're sizable enough." "Wish you was in the House," remarked Mr. Adams of Barren. "None of us is much on talk, but if we had you, I guess we could lay things wide open." "If you was thar, and give it to 'em as hot as you did when you was talkin' for Zeb, them skunks in the front seats wouldn't know whether they was afoot or hossback," declared Mr.

Then he names a price that the hide might fetch, under favorable circumstances, in Boston Jethro does not wince. "Who d'ye callate to vote for, Sam'l?" Samuel rubs his nose. "Heerd they was a-goin' to put up Fletcher and Amos Cuthbert, an' Sam Price for Moderator." "C-comin' by the tannery after town meetin'?" inquired Jethro, casually. "Don't know but what I kin."

"C-court'll hev to app'int an agent?" "I callate." "Er you a candidate Sam you a candidate?" "Don't know but what I be," answered the usually wary Mr. Price. "G-goin' to Harwich hain't you?" "Mebbe I be, and mebbe I hain't," said Sam, not able to repress a self-conscious snicker. "M-might as well be you as anybody, Sam," said Jethro, as he drove on.

I callate they'll scatter ez soon's the news gits raound that the white feathers be comin, 'thout even waitin fer em tew git in sight," was Abner's gloomy response. "I shouldn't be at all surprised if they did. I don't believe there's a dozen in the lot we could depend on," said Perez cheerfully. "Wat's the matter with ye, Cap'n," burst out Abner, in desperation.

"I callate we wuz a dern sight better orf every way under the King, 'n we be naow. The Tories wuz right, arter all, I guess. We'd better a let well nuff l'one, an not to a jumped aouter the fryin-pan intew the fire," said Peleg, gloomily.

Only the Speaker sat like a wax statue of himself, and glanced neither to the right nor to the left. "Harkness of Truro," said the clerk. "He's almost to Wells County again," whispered Bijah, excitedly. "I didn't callate he could do it. Will?" "Yes?" "Will you hear somethin'?"

M-man of resource. Callate you couldn't hev beat that if you was to take a week to it." "I think it only fair to tell you," said Mr. Worthington, picking up his silk hat, "that in those letters I have merely anticipated a very little my intentions in the matter. My son having proved his earnestness, I was about to consent to the marriage of my own accord." "G-goin' to do it anyway was you?"

"She looked at that garden," Euphrasia went on, "and cried out. I didn't callate she was like that. And the first thing I knew I was talking about your mother, and I'd forgot who I was talking to. She wahn't like a stranger it was just as if I'd known her always. I haven't understood it yet.

Had a shack when I saw him. Callate he wouldn't have lived two months if the war hadn't bust up and I hadn't come along." "Oh, Cousin Eph!" exclaimed Cynthia. The old soldier turned and saw that there were tears in her eyes. But, stranger than that, Cynthia saw that there were tears in his own.

Crewe would get married a wife could take so many burdens off his shoulders. You don't know Mr. Crewe very well, do you?" "Callate to so so," said Mr. Braden. Mrs. Pomfret was at sea again. "I mean, do you see him often?" "Seen him once," said Mr. Braden. "G-guess that's enough." "You're a shrewd judge of human nature, Mr.