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From Bursa, the grandson of Timur advanced to Nice, even yet a fair and flourishing city; and the Mongol squadrons were only stopped by the waves of the Propontis. The same success attended the other mirzas and emirs in their excursions, and Smyrna, defended by the zeal and courage of the Rhodian knights, alone deserved the presence of the Emperor himself.

The tendo-calcaneus is detached from the calcaneus, the bursa dissected out, and the tendon replaced. If there is a bony projection from the calcaneus, it should be shaved off with the chisel. The bursa that is sometimes met with on the under aspect of the calcaneus the subcalcanean bursa when inflamed, gives rise to pain and tenderness in the sole of the foot.

The best treatment is to excise the affected bursa, or, when this is impracticable, to lay it freely open, remove the tuberculous tissue with the sharp spoon or knife, and treat the cavity by the open method. Syphilitic disease is rarely recognised except in the form of bursal and peri-bursal gummata in front of the knee-joint.

In disease of the flexor tendon and its bursa where contiguous inflammation of tissue is present, the parts are blistered or fired. Line firing is beneficial in such instances but in all cases the cause is to be removed if possible. Etiology and Occurrence.

Akad. zu Berlin" April 1845: POLYGASTRICA. Fragilaria rhabdosoma. Gallionella distans. Pinnularia? PHYTOLITHARIA. Lithodontium Bursa. Lithodontium furcatum. Lithostylidium exesum. Lithostylidium rude. Lithostylidium Serra.

This is invested with a cap of cartilage from which it continues to grow until the skeleton attains maturity. A cartilaginous exostosis in the vicinity of a joint may be invested with a synovial sac or bursa the so-called exostosis bursata.

When the affection has lasted some time, or has frequently relapsed, the wall of the bursa becomes thickened by fibrous tissue, which may be deposited irregularly, so that septa, bands, or fringes are formed, not unlike those met with in arthritis deformans.

Thus it is seen, the biceps brachii is a weight bearing structure, as well as one that has to do with swinging the leg. Etiology and Occurrence. Blows and injuries received in runaway accidents do serious injury to the bursa and because of the peculiar and important part it plays during locomotion, serious injuries are not likely to resolve, and too often chronic lameness results.

When shut off from the joint it may suffer independently, and when distended with fluid forms a horse-shoe swelling above the patella. In front of the patella and its ligament is the prepatellar bursa, which may have one, two, or three compartments, usually communicating with one another.

This affection may be associated with a spinous projection from the bone, which is capable of being recognised in a skiagram. The soft parts of the heel are turned forwards as a flap, the bursa is dissected out, and the projection of bone, if present, is removed.