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However, the term should be restricted to use in reference to distensions of synovial structures of that region. Etiology and Occurrence. Usually there occurs a hygromatous involvement of the subcutaneous bursa due to contusion. In feeding pens where numbers of young mules are kept in crowded quarters many cases may be observed. Symptomatology.

The problem is wider than that of the mere etiology of the stupors we are considering. Their relationship to manic-depressive insanity is so intimate that we must tentatively consider this affectless reaction as belonging to that larger group. A discussion of the basic pathology of manic-depressive insanity is outside the sphere of this book.

Regeneration of tissue in such cases, as has been pointed out, is slow and sufficient time for complete recovery must be allowed or relapses will occur. Fracture of the First and Second Phalanges. Etiology and Occurrence. Often, almost insignificant injuries cause phalangeal fractures.

Hitherto the advances in knowledge upon the etiology of other infective diseases have done little toward the etiology of cholera. These advances have been made within the last ten years, during which time no opportunity at least not in Europe has occurred to pursue researches; and in India, where there is abundant material for such research, no one has undertaken the task.

As the etiology in many instances of varicose veins is uncertain, he thinks that they may be caused by incompetence of the right heart, more or less temporary perhaps, from muscular exertion. This incompetence being frequently repeated, peripheral veins may dilate.

Good nursing is always essential to a successful issue. However, the author cannot view cases of open stifle joint with the same optimism concerning their course and outcome that is expressed by a number of writers on this subject. It is a grave condition wherein the prognosis should be given advisedly. Fracture of the Tibia. Etiology and Occurrence.

"For science! Yes, for science! There you strike the right chord! What have I not dared and done for science? But, in case I die, Cumberledge, be sure you collect the notes I took as I was sickening they are most important for the history and etiology of the disease. I made them hourly. And don't forget the main points to be observed as I am dying. You know what they are.

Daily injections for three, four or five days, are not harmful and will control infection in many instances. Thecitis and Bursitis. Etiology and Occurrence. The thecae and bursae of the leg are several in number. In the carpal region, the flexors of the phalanges are contained together in the carpal sheath, and this is the principal theca in the carpal region.

But if Providence does not act through secondary causes in this particular sphere of etiology, then why does Dr. Meigs take such pains to reason so extensively about the laws of contagion, which, on that supposition, have no more to do with this case than with the plague which destroyed the people after David had numbered them?

The history of nervous disease furnishes many cases of neurosis where this uncontrollable longing for domination is the chief factor in the etiology of the illness.