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"Ay, ay," answered Luckie Mucklebackit, "I see you hae gotten a' your braws on; ye're looking about for Steenie now but he's no at hame the night; and ye'll no do for Steenie, lass a feckless thing like you's no fit to mainteen a man." "Steenie will no do for me," retorted Jenny, with a toss of her head that might have become a higher-born damsel; "I maun hae a man that can mainteen his wife."

I think it was the prettiest sight that ever I beheld; the well of the close was all in clear shadow where a man could see distinctly, the walls very black and dingy; and there from the barred loophole I saw two faces smiling across at me Miss Grant's and Catriona's. "There!" says Miss Grant, "I wanted her to see you in your braws like the lass of Limekilns.

It's an awfu' name. I made him my salutations, and complimented him upon his look of health; for I feared he had perhaps been ill. 'I'm in the body, he replied, ungraciously enough; 'aye in the body and the sins of the body, like yoursel'. Denner, he said abruptly to Mary, and then ran on to me: 'They're grand braws, thir that we hae gotten, are they no?

"'He made this laddie put on his braws, and he commandeered this iniquitous garment for me. I've raxed its seams, and it'll never look again on the man that owns it. Syne he arrayed himself in purple and fine linen till he as like the king's daughter, all glorious without; and says he to me, "Mackay," he says, "we'll go and talk to these uncovenanted deevils in their own tongue.

"The very same," says "Mony's the time I've thocht upon you and your freen, and blythe am I to see in your braws," she cried. "Though I kent ye were come to your ain folk by the grand present that ye sent me and that I thank ye for with a' my heart." "There," said Miss Grant to me, "run out by with ye, like a guid bairn.

Have ye no pity for your ain sex?" "Peety," she cries "peety for a wheen licht-heided hussies that lo'e the man best that tells the bonniest lees, or speaks them fairest. Na, na, ma lad, nae peety. I'm watchin' a man that has tied their strings and kissed their bonny ankles, when he should have let them dry his sweat wi' their hair an' his feet wi' their braws.

"I'm in the body," he replied, ungraciously enough; "aye in the body and the sins of the body, like yoursel'. Denner," he said abruptly to Mary, and then ran on, to me: "They're grand braws, thir that we hae gotten, are they no'? Yon's a bonny knock, but it'll no gang; and the napery's by ordnar.

Ratcliffe laughed, and, winking to the procurator-fiscal, pursued the inquiry in his own way. "But, Madge, the lads only like ye when ye hae on your braws they wadna touch you wi' a pair o' tangs when you are in your auld ilka-day rags."

Why, it would be thrown up to the child, lad and man, as long as he lived! So call your maid, my bonnie Sophy, and set her to packing all your braws and pretty things, and we will turn our faces to Scotland's hills and braes tomorrow morning."

"Ay," said Kate, "she came home like a lass that goes to her grave-claes instead o' her braws, and never a word from her, but a white hue round her lips and her eyes staring. . . . Did you go to my father's," said Kate, for she was of a jealous nature. "No, I was at McKelvie's for a wee after I would be with my mother, and I was thinking Dol Beag your father would be there too."