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Such is the condition to which the arts are reduced. And do you know, my charming young lady, and you, my generous protector, do you know, you who breathe forth virtue and goodness, and who perfume that church where my daughter sees you every day when she says her prayers? For I have brought up my children religiously, sir. I did not want them to take to the theatre. Ah! the hussies!

And there were so many eligible young women on the market, although none of them were described as artful hussies! Grant's behavior, however, placed him under no cloud in so far as social opportunities were concerned; on the contrary, he found himself being showered with invitations, most of which he managed to decline on the grounds of pressure of business.

We passed into another street, where each well-lighted window framed one or more painted hussies who called out in jocular obscenity, but when we marched stiffly on without replying their manner changed, and they delivered at us volley after volley of language incredibly foul.

If she's handsome, and nobody wants one that isn't, why, then, it's a purgatory to look after her. This one is good enough, none of your hussies, like Giulietta: but the better they are, the more sure to have fellows after them. A murrain on that cavalier, king's brother, or what not! it was he serenading, I'll be bound.

We were living in our old chateau of Valrenne, near Caudebec-en-Caux. "At this period my mother's chambermaid was one of the prettiest girls you could see, fair-haired, slender and sprightly in manner, a genuine soubrette of the old type that no longer exists. To-day these creatures spring up into hussies before their time.

A good deal of desperation became noticeable in the gallery throats and strings, which continued throughout the musical portion of the service. Directly the fiddles were laid down, Mr. Penny's spectacles put in their sheath, and the text had been given out, an indignant whispering began. "Did ye hear that, souls?" Mr. Penny said, in a groaning breath. "Brazen-faced hussies!" said Bowman.

The bold, half-naked, disgraceful hussies, etc., etc. And then she capped the thing by calling to the steward to come and drive them out! "Not one of the native women could answer her. They were all simply dumbfounded at such a gross insult, and left the cabin in silence. The mate tried to smooth things over, but one of the women Mataafa's niece gave him a look that told him to say no more.

One of his humble patients followed him, and said, "I wish I had known, sir; you shouldn't have come here to be insulted. Why, no gentleman can ever get justice against a servant girl when HE is sitting. It is notorious, and that makes these hussies so bold. I've seen that jade here with the same story twice afore." Staines reached home more discomposed than he could have himself believed.

They sat alone in her private room, where, without prelude, she discharged a fiery squib at impudent hussies caught up to the saddle-bow of a hero for just a canter, and pretending to a permanent seat beside him. 'You have only to see Lady Ormont; you will admit the justice of her claim, my lady, said he; and as evidently he wanted a fight, she let him have it.

Bold ones have sprung up nowadays. 'And were there no bold ones in your time? 'There were in our time too ... to be sure there were! But who were they? A pack of strumpets, shameless hussies. Draggle-tails for ever gadding about after no good.... What do they care? It's little they take to heart. If some poor fool comes in their way, they pounce on him. But sensible folk looked down on them.