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Ah, how delicious it all was, the Robinson Crusoe feel of the whole thing; the heavenly air, the fluttering leaves, the birds' chirrups and whistle, and the foreground of happy, healthy men! Rose and I had enough to do, even with Nettle's assistance, in acting as police to keep off those bold thieves, the wekas, who are as impudent as they are tame and fearless.

Quigg surveyed Ralph with disgust. "Put down that bucket and brush," said he, "and unsling those posters. You're too precious green for my business, by half." "Green I may be," returned the boy, disburdening himself at once, "but I am no liar, and I can't say as I want to work for a liar either." "You impudent rascal!" cried Quigg, thoroughly enraged, "I'll teach you to call names!"

He stood glaring at the young man, his prominent eyes projecting, the red capillaries in his beefy face filling. "Whadjawant?" he demanded. "A few words with you, Mr. Hull." Kirby pushed past him into the room, much as an impudent agent does. "Well, I don't aim to have no truck with you at all," blustered the fat man. "You've just naturally wore out yore welcome with me before ever you set down.

A most excellent Priest who had been in the room all through the interview asked the Bishop, after the departure of his impudent visitor, how he could bear such treatment with the patience he showed. "Well," he answered, "it was not he himself that spoke, it was his passion.

Let the counsel for the plaintiff rest assured, however, that the answer to that particular question, when given, would prove, like the general answer of the defence, of a nature that the interrogator would, doubtless, little relish." During Mr. Clapp's abusive remarks, and impudent insinuations against himself and Mr.

"Somehow you look as if you were." "Don't you be a donkey, Jack!" said his young sister, with an impudent snap of the fingers under his nose. "Being ten years older than I am doesn't qualify you for that superior pose. You're only a man, you know, after all." "Buckskin Bill is only a man, but he's a pretty tough proposition," said Burton, with a frown.

Oh, It's impossible, the way she tries to bully one. Pure bullying. She's an impudent woman. "You'll come and see me," as if we should be falling over ourselves for the privilege. 'I can't understand, Ursula, what you are so much put out about, said Gudrun, in some exasperation. 'One knows those women are impudent these free women who have emancipated themselves from the aristocracy.

"I don't see how you can endure that fellow Charlton. They say he's as big a crank in medicine as he is in politics." "It's all of a piece," said Jane, tranquilly. "He says he gets his political views from his medicine and his medical ideas from his politics." "Don't you think he's a frightful bounder?" "Frightful," said Jane. "Fresh, impudent conceited. And he looks like a prize fighter."

"Frank Price deserved no punishment." "That is for me to decide. When you dared to be impudent to me on my own deck, I swore to be revenged, and the time has come sooner than I anticipated." "Captain Haley," said Robert, "in all that I have done I have tried to do right. If I have done wrong, it was because I erred in judgment.

But the bold spirit of Gregory, not dismayed with the vigorous opposition which he met with from the emperor, extended his usurpations all over Europe; and well knowing the nature of mankind, whose blind astonishment ever inclines them to yield to the most impudent pretensions, he seemed determined to set no bounds to the spiritual, or rather temporal monarchy, which he had undertaken to erect.