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You never heard sic lauchin' as there was; an' Sandy's frien' lookit as gin he'd haen a dram, an' gotten an awfu' dose o' cauld. He didna say "guid-mornin'" when he gaed oot at the Toy Brig Station. Sandy had twa-three mair pliskies atween Dundee an' Edinboro, but I hinna time to tell you o' them. Peety the man that starts to write Sandy's beebliographie.

It wudna be bonny gin his Majesty's officers had twice to mak' sae rapid a march to the rear an' you, Lieutenant Lichtbody, canna hae a'thegither gotten the better o' yer lang sederunt on the tap o' the hill dyke. It's a bonny view that ye had. It was a peety that ye had forgotten yer perspective glasses.

"Throth, she's very well, Peety has no raison to complain, thank God!" "Thank God, indeed! and betther may she be, is my worst wish to her an' Masther Hycy, sir? but I needn't ax how he is.

Instantly, therefore, she changed her tone to one of expostulation. "It's a sair peety, doobtless," she said, "'at there sud be sae mony drouthie thrapples i' the kingdom, sir; but drouth maun drink, an' ye ken, sir, gien it war hauden frae them, they wad but see deils an' cut their throts."

"Very well you're then to proceed to Tom M'Mahon's, and if you find Bryan, his son, there, give him this; and if he's at the mountain farm of Ahadarra, go to him. I don't expect an answer from Kathleen Cavanagh, but I do from Bryan M'Mahon; and mark me, Peety." "I do, sir." "Are you sure you do?" "Sartin, sir." "Silent as the grave then is the word in both cases but if I ever hear "

"Are you sure you are no' proposin' this just because o' the trouble? I don't want peety! I am pairtly to blame too," this with a softer note creeping into her voice, and making it more resigned. "If it's no' oot o' peety for me, I could bear it better. But I'll no' hae peety. I can look after mysel' an' face the whole thing, even though I ken it'll break my mither's heart."

"Na; there was naething to brak, 'cep it had been your banes, Johnny; an' that wad hae been a peety they're sae guid for rinnin wi'." "You had no right to enter against the will of my gatekeeper," said his lordship. "What is a gatekeeper for?" "I had a richt, my lord, sae lang 's I was upo' my leddy's business." "And what was my lady's business, pray?" questioned the marquis.

"Ay, ay," responded Drumsheugh, after a long pause, and then every man concentrated his attention on the belfry of the kirk. "Is there onything ava' in the body, think ye, Domsie," as Mr. Hopps bustled into kirk, "or is't a' wind?" "Three wechtfu's o' naething, Drumsheugh; a' peety the puir man if Jamie Soutar gets a haud o' him."

Over a maze of difficulties she glanced, and saw, at the end of every passage, the flinty countenance of Hermiston. And a kind of horror fell upon her at what she had done. She wore a tragic mask. "Erchie, the Lord peety you dear, and peety me! I have buildit on this foundation" laying her hand heavily on his shoulder "and buildit hie, and pit my hairt in the buildin' of it.

To this some smug, practical old sinner would remark: "Aye, it's a peety, as ye say, to kill the bonnie things, but they were made to be killed, and sent for us to eat as the quails were sent to God's chosen people, the Israelites, when they were starving in the desert ayont the Red Sea. And I must confess that meat was never put up in neater, handsomer-painted packages."